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Publications 2018

Article dans une revue


M. Biard, C. Bemilli, C. Chaussé, and K. Donnart, "Une occupation temporaire au Belloisien ? Le Cas du locus 28704 du site d'Alizay (Eure, France)," PALEO : Revue d'Archéologie Préhistorique, no. Numéro spécial, pp. 215-226, 2018. <hal-02064004>.
M. Biette, V. Jomelli, V. Favier, M. Chenet, C. Agosta, X. Fettweis, D. Ho Tong Minh, and K. Ose, "Temperature estimation at the beginning of the last millennium in western Greenland: preliminary results from the application of a degree‑day glaciological model on the Lyngmarksbræen glacier," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 31-41, Apr. 2018. <10.4000/geomorphologie.11977>. <hal-02349964>. PDF
R. M. Briant, K. M. Cohen, S. Cordier, A. J. Demoulin, M. G. Macklin, A. E. Mather, G. Rixhon, T. Veldkamp, J. Wainwright, A. Whittaker, and H. Wittmann, "Applying Pattern Oriented Sampling in Current Fieldwork Practice to Enable More Effective Model Evaluation in Fluvial Landscape Evolution Research: Pattern Oriented Sampling Approach to Field Data for LEM Evaluation," Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 43, no. 14, pp. 2964--2980, 2018. <10.1002/esp.4458>. <hal-02477267>.
A. G. Brown, L. Lespez, D. A. Sear, J.-J. Macaire, P. Houben, K. Klimek, R. E. Brazier, K. Van Oost, and B. Pears, "Natural vs anthropogenic streams in Europe: History, ecology and implications for restoration, river-rewilding and riverine ecosystem services," Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 180, pp. 185--205, May. 2018. <10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.02.001>. <hal-02377284>.
M. Canuto, F. Estrada-Belli, T. Garrison, S. Houston, M. J. Acuña, M. Ková\v C, D. Marken, P. Nondédéo, T. Auld-Thomas, C. Castanet, D. Chatelain, C. Chiriboga, T. S. Drápela, T. Lieskovský, A. Tokovinine, A. Velasquez, J. Fernández-Díaz, and R. Shrestha, "Ancient lowland Maya complexity as revealed by airborne laser scanning of northern Guatemala," Science, vol. 361, no. 6409, pp. eaau0137, Sep. 2018. <10.1126/science.aau0137>. <hal-02132661>.
M. Cassel, H. Piégay, J. Lavé, L. Vaudor, D. Hadmoko Sri, S. Wibiwo Budi, and F. Lavigne, "Evaluating a 2D image-based computerized approach for measuring riverine pebble roundness," Geomorphology, vol. 311, pp. 143 - 157, Jun. 2018. <10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.03.020>. <hal-01923456>.
Y. Chabot, A. Garnier, and I. M. Geria, "Phytolith Analysis from the Archaeological Site of Kota Cina (North Sumatra, Indonesia)," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 20, pp. 483--501, 2018. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2018.04.033>. <hal-02477270>.
A. P. Constantin, I.-A. Moldovan, R. Partheniu, F. Lavigne, D. Grancher, and C. Ionescu, "Comparative Study Regarding the Risk Perception of Tsunamis from Eforie Nord (Romania) and Nice (France) Communities," Studia UBB Ambientum, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 25-38, Dec. 2018. <10.24193/subbambientum.2018.2.03>. <hal-03009846>.
S. Coutard, P. Antoine, D. Hérisson, S. Pirson, S. Balescu, L. Forget Brisson, P. Spagna, N. Debenham, M. Barré, Y. Chantreau, R. Giros, and M. Lamothe, "The Middle and Upper Pleistocene Loess Sequence of Etricourt-Manancourt (Picardy, France): a Reference Pedo-sedimentological Record for the Last 350 ka," Quaternaire, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 311-346, Dec. 2018. <10.4000/quaternaire.10569>. <hal-01992336>.
S. Davidoux, L. Lespez, A. Garnier, M. Rasse, B. Lebrun, I. Hajdas, C. Tribolo, and &. Huysecom, "Environmental changes over the two past millennia in Western Africa: first results of the study of the alluvial terraces in the Sansandé ravine (Falémé valley, Eastern Senegal)," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 237-255, Dec. 2018. <10.4000/geomorphologie.12484>. <hal-02409020>.
J.-P. Degeai, V. Villa, C. Chaussé, A. Pereira, S. Nomade, D. Aureli, M. Pagli, and E. Nicoud, "Chemical weathering of palaeosols from the Lower Palaeolithic site of Valle Giumentina, central Italy," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 183, pp. 88 - 109, Mar. 2018. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.01.014>. <hal-01806734>.
J. Despriée, G. Bayle, S. Coutard, X. Sun, N. Mercier, G. Courcimault, L. Marquer, P. Voinchet, J.-J. Bahain, and J. Locht, "The middle and Upper Pleistocene loessic formation of La Jouannière at Bonneval, Eure-et-Loir (France) : sedimentology, geochronology, palaeoenvironment and prehistory," Quaternaire, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 131-148, Jun. 2018. <10.4000/quaternaire.8872>. <hal-02196039>. PDF
L. Dupeyrat, B. Hurault, F. Costard, C. Marmo, and E. Gautier, "Satellite image analysis and frozen cylinder experiments on thermal erosion of periglacial fluvial islands," Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 100 - 111, Apr. 2018. <10.1002/ppp.1973>. <hal-01894585>.
P. Durand, B. Anselme, S. Defossez, S. Elineau, M. Gherardi, L. Goeldner-Gianella, E. Longépée, and A. Nicolae-Lerma, "Coastal flood risk: improving operational response, a case study on the municipality of Leucate, Languedoc, France," Geoenvironmental Disasters, vol. 5, pp. 19, 2018. <10.1186/s40677-018-0109-1>. <hal-01929261>. PDF
A. Garnier, B. Eichhorn, and C. Robion-Brunner, "Impact of metallurgical activity during the last millennium on a Sudano-Guinean fluvial system. Multi-proxy study of the sedimentary archives in the Tatré valley (Bassar Area, Togo)," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 257-276, Dec. 2018. <10.4000/geomorphologie.12446>. <hal-02010435>.
E. Gautier, T. Depret, F. Costard, C. Virmoux, A. A. Fedorov, D. Grancher, P. Konstantinov, and D. Brunstein, "Going with the flow : Hydrologic response of middle Lena River (Siberia) to the climate variability and change," Journal of Hydrology, vol. 557, pp. 475 - 488, Feb. 2018. <10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.12.034>. <hal-01735691>.
L. Gilet, F. Gob, C. Virmoux, J. Touche, S. Harrache, E. Gautier, M. Moës, N. Thommeret, and N. Jacob-Rousseau, "Suivi de l'évolution Morphologique et Sédimentaire de l'Yonne Suite à La Première Phase Du Démantèlement Du Barrage de Pierre Glissotte (Massif Du Morvan, France)," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 7--29, 2018. <10.4000/geomorphologie.11946>. <hal-02476148>.
C. Gomez, F. Lavigne, D. Sri Hadmoko, and P. Wassmer, "Insights into Lahar Deposition Processes in the Curah Lengkong (Semeru Volcano, Indonesia) Using Photogrammetry-Based Geospatial Analysis, near-Surface Geophysics and CFD Modelling," Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 353, pp. 102--113, 2018. <10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.01.021>. <hal-02477282>.
S. Granai, and N. Limondin-Lozouet, "The Holocene Expansion of Grassland in Northern Europe Reconstructed from Molluscan Assemblages," Boreas, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 768--779, 2018. <10.1111/bor.12304>. <hal-02477283>.
S. Grivel, F. Nabet , E. Gautier , S. Temam, G. Gruwé, J. Gardaix, and M. Lee, "Heritages and contemporary interactions of old structures in the middle Loire River (France)," VertigO : La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l'Environnement, no. Volume 18 Numéro 3, Dec. 2018. <10.4000/vertigo.23121>. <hal-04232864>.
S. Grivel, F. Nabet , E. Gautier , S. Temam, G. Gruwé, J. Gardaix, and M. Lee, "Heritages and contemporary interactions of old structures in the middle Loire River (France)," VertigO : La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l'Environnement, vol. 18, no. 3, Dec. 2018. <10.4000/vertigo.23121>. <hal-02385307>.
D. S. Hadmoko, E. D. Bélizal, B. W. Mutaqin, G. A. Dipayana, M. A. Marfai, F. Lavigne, J. Sartohadi, S. Worosuprojo, C. C. A. Starheim, and C. Gomez, "Post-Eruptive Lahars at Kali Putih Following the 2010 Eruption of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia: Occurrences and Impacts," Natural Hazards, vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 419--444, 2018. <10.1007/s11069-018-3396-7>. <hal-02478224>.
V. Jomelli, I. Schimmelpfennig, V. Favier, F. Mokadem, A. Landais, V. Rinterknecht, D. Brunstein, D. Verfaillie, C. Legentil, G. Aumaitre, D. Bourles, and K. Keddadouche, "Glacier extent in sub-Antarctic Kerguelen archipelago from MIS 3 period: Evidence from 36Cl dating," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 183, pp. 110-123, 2018. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.01.008>. <hal-01699496>. PDF
M. Jugie, F. Gob, C. Virmoux, D. Brunstein, V. Tamisier, C. Le Coeur, and D. Grancher, "Characterizing and Quantifying the Discontinuous Bank Erosion of a Small Low Energy River Using Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry and Erosion Pins," Journal of Hydrology, vol. 563, pp. 418--434, 2018. <10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.06.019>. <hal-02478229>.
I. Kougkoulos, S. Cook, V. Jomelli, L. Clarke, E. Symeonakis, J. Dortch, L. Edwards, and M. Merad, "Use of multi-criteria decision analysis to identify potentially dangerous glacial lakes," Science of the Total Environment, vol. 621, pp. 1453-1466, Apr. 2018. <10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.083>. <hal-02349984>.
J. A. López-Sáez, A. Glais, S. Tsiftsis, and L. Lezpez, "Modern Pollen\textendashVegetation Relationships along an Altitudinal Transect in the Lefka Ori Massif (Western Crete, Greece)," Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, vol. 259, pp. 159--170, 2018. <10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.10.006>. <hal-02477294>.
M. Makos, V. Rinterknecht, R. Braucher, A. Toloczko-Pasek, M. Arnold, G. Aumaitre, D. Bourlès, and K. Keddadouche, "Last Glacial Maximum and Lateglacial in the Polish High Tatra Mountains - Revised deglaciation chronology based on the 10 Be exposure age dating," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 187, pp. 130 - 156, May. 2018. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.03.006>. <hal-01824255>.
L. Martin, P.-H. Blard, J. Lavé, T. Condom, M. Prémaillon, V. Jomelli, D. Brunstein, M. Lupker, J. Charreau, V. Mariotti, B. Tibari, and E. Davy, "Lake Tauca highstand (Heinrich Stadial 1a) driven by a southward shift of the Bolivian High," Science Advances, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. eaar2514, Aug. 2018. <10.1126/sciadv.aar2514>. <hal-02349965>. PDF
A. Mayor, D. Katja, M. Lorenzo Martinez, M. Truffa Giachet, A. Jacques, H. Bocoum, C. Louis, C. Camille, S. Davidoux, A. Garnier, I. Hajdas, L. Brice, L. Lespez, S. Loukou, F. Mokadem, M. B. Ndiaye, T. Pelmoine, M. Rasse, V. Serneels, C. Tribolo, C. Virmoux, A. Walmsley, and H. Eric, "Dynamiques techniques et environnementales dans la vallée de la Falémé (Sénégal) : résultats de la 20ème campagne du programme " Peuplement humain et paléoenvironnement en Afrique," Jahresbericht, no. 2017, pp. 109-208, 2018. <hal-02535009>.
D. Mercier, S. Nicaise, M. A. Sammoury, and A. Wehbe, "Indirect stability of the wave equation with a dynamic boundary control," Mathematical News / Mathematische Nachrichten, vol. 291, no. 7, pp. 1114-1146, May. 2018. <10.1002/mana.201700021>. <hal-01956619>. PDF
D. Mercier, "Recension de l'ouvrage de Laurent Touchart 2017 ''Géomorphologie de la Russie. Le colosse aux plaines d’argile'', L’Harmattan, Paris, 404 p," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 183-184, Jul. 2018. <10.4000/geomorphologie.11961>. <hal-03010200>.
D. Mercier, "Recension de l'ouvrage de Patrick DE WEVER et Christian GIUSTI, 2017. Le relief de la Terre, EDP Sciences, collection " La Terre à Portée de main ", Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 108 p.," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 103-104, Apr. 2018. <10.4000/geomorphologie.11924>. <hal-03010208>.
D. Mercier, "Recension de l'ouvrage de C.K. Ballantyne ''Periglacial Geomorphology'', John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 454 p.," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 321-323, Dec. 2018. <10.4000/geomorphologie.12409>. <hal-03010183>.
A. Moatty, and M. Reghezza-Zitt, "Infrastructures critiques, vulnérabilisation du territoire et résilience : assainissement et inondations majeures en Île-de-France," VertigO : La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l'Environnement, no. Volume 18 Numéro 3, Dec. 2018. <10.4000/vertigo.23554>. <hal-02518257>.
M.-H. Moncel, M. G. Chacon Navarro, D. Vettese, P. Fernandes, B. Hardy, S. Puaud, M. Richard, E. Allué, P. Bearez, N. Boulbes, K. Britton, M.-A. Courty, E. Crégut-Bonnoure, E. Desclaux, R. Renaud Joannes-Boyau, C. Kerfant, R. Gallotti, N. Lateur, A. La Porta, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Marin, T. Roger, C. Falguères, F. Rivals, J.-J. Bahain, C. Deaujard, and A. Pike-Tay, "Abri du Maras (Saint-Martin d’Ardèche). Un habitat néandertalien occupé il y a 90 000 et 40 000 ans.," Ardèche archéologie, vol. 35, pp. 3-11, 2018. <halshs-02190662>.
D. Mouralis, M. Massussi, G. Palumbi, E. Akköprü, F. B. Restelli, D. Brunstein, M. Frangipane, B. Gratuze, F. Mokadem, and A.-K. Robin, "The procurement of obsidian at Arslantepe (Eastern Anatolia) during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age: Connections with Anatolia and Caucasus," Quaternary International, Feb. 2018. <10.1016/j.quaint.2017.11.041>. <hal-01733596>.
A. Nicolae Lerma, T. Bulteau, S. Elineau, F. Paris, P. Durand, B. Anselme, and R. Pedreros, "High-resolution marine flood modelling coupling overflow and overtopping processes: framing the hazard based on historical and statistical approaches," Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 207 - 229, 2018. <10.5194/nhess-18-207-2018>. <hal-01689858>.
E. Nicoud, V. Villa, G. Davtian, and J. Guibert-Cardin, "Valle Giumentina (Abruzzes)," Chronique des activités archéologiques de l'École française de Rome, 2018. <10.4000/cefr.1891>. <hal-02065167>.
P. Nondédéo, and C. Castanet, "Du nouveau chez les Mayas," Archéologia, vol. 571, pp. 4-5, Dec. 2018. <hal-02134100>.
J.-F. Pastre, "Lateglacial and Holocene evolution from the Crould river basin (Val-d'Oise, France)," Revue archéologique d'Île-de-France, 2018. <hal-02378950>. PDF
C. Prud'homme, C. Lécuyer, P. Antoine, C. Hatté, O. Moine, F. Fourel, R. Amiot, F. Martineau, and D.-D. Rousseau, "$\delta$ 13 C signal of earthworm calcite granules: A new proxy for palaeoprecipitation reconstructions during the Last Glacial in western Europe," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 179, pp. 158 - 166, Jan. 2018. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.11.017>. <hal-01806849>.
E. Reynard, P. Coratza, N. Cayla, M. Clivaz, L. Com\u Anescu, L. Darbellay, C. Giusti, F. Grecu, F. Hoblea, and P. Pereira, "InterGEO: a Digital Platform for University Education on Geomorphological Heritage," Geoheritage, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 645-657, Dec. 2018. <10.1007/s12371-018-0298-8>. <hal-02612579>.
V. Rinterknecht, T. Hang, A. Gorlach, M. Kohv, K. Kalla, D. Subetto, D. Bourlès, L. Leanni, V. Guillou, and T. Aster, "The Last Glacial Maximum extent of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in the Valday Heights, western Russia: Evidence from cosmogenic surface exposure dating using 10Be," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 200, pp. 106-113, Nov. 2018. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.09.032>. <hal-02051718>.
L. Rodr'iguez-Rodr'iguez, M. J. Dom'inguez-Cuesta, V. Rinterknecht, M. Jiménez-Sánchez, S. González-Lemos, L. Léanni, J. Sanjurjo, D. Ballesteros, P. Valenzuela, and S. Llana-Fúnez, "Constraining the Age of Superimposed Glacial Records in Mountain Environments with Multiple Dating Methods (Cantabrian Mountains, Iberian Peninsula)," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 195, pp. 215--231, 2018. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.07.025>. <hal-02477300>.
L. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, S. González-Lemos, D. Ballesteros, P. Valenzuela, M. J. Domínguez-Cuesta, S. Llana-Fúnez, and M. Jiménez-Sánchez, "Timing of paraglacial rock-slope failures and denudation signatures in the Cantabrian Mountains (North Iberian Peninsula)," Land Degradation & Development, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 3159-3173, May. 2018. <10.1002/ldr.3012>. <hal-02469175>.
E. Roussel, P. Marren, E. Cossart, J.-P. Toumazet, M. Chenet, D. Grancher, and V. Jomelli, "Incision and aggradation in proglacial rivers: Post-Little Ice Age long-profile adjustments of Southern Iceland outwash plains," Land Degradation and Development, Jul. 2018. <10.1002/ldr.3127>. <hal-01897894>. PDF
G. Samodra, D. S. Hadmoko, G. N. Wicaksono, I. P. Adi, M. Yudinugroho, S. B. Wibowo, H. Suryatmojo, T. H. Purwanto, B. S. Widartono, and F. Lavigne, "The March 25 and 29, 2016 landslide-induced debris flow at Clapar, Banjarnegara, Central Java," Landslides, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 985-993, May. 2018. <10.1007/s10346-018-0958-4>. <hal-03009949>.

Communication dans un congrès


A. Akbulut, O. Faruk, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, F. Mokadem, S. Saulnier-Copard, and A. Akbulut, "Holocene pollen record from Simav Graben: vegetation and climate change," in TURQUA, 8th Quaternary Symposium of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, May. 2018. <hal-03947989>.
E. Akköprü, D. Mouralis, A.-K. Robin, and C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "Obsidian sourcing in Eastern Anatolia: results from the GéObs project with a focus on Bingöl area," in 72th Symposium of Turkish Geology, ANKARA, Turkey, Apr. 2018. <hal-03948707>.
G. Ali, S. Cakici, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and L. D'alfonso, "Sedimentary fills of the Kemerhisar area (Bor Basin, central Anatolia)," in 9th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Antalya (TR), Turkey, May. 2018. <hal-03948663>.
P. Antoine, P. Depaepe, L. Deschodt, T. Desmadryl, P. Feray, A. Lamotte, and J. Locht, "Handaxes and leafpoints of North-Eastern France : chronostratigraphy, typo-technology and interpretations," in 18eme Congrès mondial de l' UISPP, Paris, France, Jun. 2018. <hal-02870350>.
J.-J. Bahain, P. Antoine, P. Auguste, S. Coutard, C. Falguères, D. Hérisson, A. Hurel, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J.-L. Locht, M.-H. Moncel, A. Vialet, and P. Voinchet, "Préhistoire et géologie du Quaternaire à Abbeville, une histoire commune, de Boucher de Perthes et Prestwich à aujourd’hui," in Toute une (pré)histoire en Somme - État des connaissances sur la préhistoire et l'histoire des recherches en vallée de la Somme, Abbeville, France, Nov. 2018. <mnhn-03972271>.
M. Bosq, P. Bertran, J. Degeai, O. Franc, O. Moine, E. Morin, A. Queffelec, and H. Tissoux, "Distribution & granulométrie des dépôts éoliens pléistocènes de la vallée du Rhône (SE France)," in Q11, Orléans, France, 2018. <hal-02263988>.
D. Brunstein, D. Mouralis, D. Grancher, and B. Varoutsikos, "Dépasser la méthode de moindre coût pour mesurer l'accessibilité," in CIST2018 - Représenter les territoires / Representing territories, Rouen, France, Mar. 2018, pp. 396-402. <hal-01854404>. PDF
E. Caron-Laviolette, M.-J. Weber, L. Mevel, O. Bignon-Lau, C. Chaussé, M. Christensen, I. De Miranda, D. Gaignard, Y. Le Jeune, M. Olive, and V. Boris, "New locus, new insights, new perspectives: unexpected aspects of Magdalenian life at Etiolles," in Magdalenian: chronology-territory-settlement structures, Rzeszow, Poland, 2018. <halshs-03914885>.
S. Chapkanski, D. Erteln, L. Schmitt, and C. Rambeau, "Détermination de la provenance des sédiments fins par Spectroscopie Moyen Infrarouge (SMIR). Application à l'étude de la paléo-dynamique fluviale holocène ello-rhénane (France, Alsace)," in Colloque Q11 sur le Quaternaire, Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <halshs-03189888>.
C. Chaussé, C. Leroyer, S. Coubray, and R. Peake, "Le site Age-du-fer du Gros-Buisson à Villiers-sur-Seine (77), de l’intrasite au bassin moyen de la Seine : réflexions sur la place de la géoarchéologie en archéologie.," in 26e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lille, France, Oct. 2018. <hal-02315652>.
S. Costa, H. Djerbi, G. Davtian, J. Charbonnier, A. Carré, C. Virmoux, C. Rouvier, and L. Purdue, "History of Ras al Khaimah oases (UAE): new chronostratigraphic frame for the oasis of Dhayah," in Seminar for Arabian Studies 2018, Londres, Angleterre, United Kingdom, 2018. <hal-02195775>.
S. Costa, J. Charbonnier, L. Herveux, M. Crépy, G. Davtian, C. Virmoux, C. Rouvier, E. Riba, and L. Purdue, "Challenge of oasis farming: past resilience in the oasis of Dhayah (U.A.E.)," in 5th Landscape Archaeology Conference, Newcastle, Angleterre, United Kingdom, 2018. <hal-02195774>.
S. Coutard, P. Antoine, J. Locht, E. Goval, D. Hérisson, and C. Paris, "Comprendre, trouver, fouiller : 30 ans de recherches en Quaternaire et Paléolithique en Picardie. Bilan, biais et perspectives," in De l’Île-de-France à l’Europe du Nord-Ouest, les peuplements humains avant le dernier maximum glaciaire, Nanterre, France, Oct. 2018. <hal-02325403>.
A. Creach, M. Gonzva, E. Bastidas-Arteaga, S. Pardo, and D. Mercier, "A tool to evaluate effectiveness of climate change adaptation measures for houses subjected to coastal flood risks," in Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (International Association for Life-Cycle Civil Engineering), Gand, Belgium, Oct. 2018. <hal-03119106>.
S. Davidoux, M. Lorenzo Martinez, L. Lespez, A. Garnier, M. Rasse, B. Lebrun, B. Chevrier, C. Tribolo, E. Huysecom, C. Virmoux, and K. Douze, "Du site à l'environnement : approche géoarchéologique de deux sites du Pléistocène supérieur en Afrique de l'Ouest (vallée de la Falémé, Sénégal).," in IUSPP, Paris, France, Jun. 2018. <hal-01841748>.
J. Despriée, G. Bayle, Q. Borderie, C. Coussot, P. Gardère, M. Liard, H. Tissoux, C. Chaussé, V. Deloze, and J. Musch, "Le Pléistocène de la Région Centre-Val de Loire : nouvelles données issues de l’archéologie préventive.," in De l’Ile-de-France à l’Europe du nord-ouest : les peuplements humains avant le dernier maximum glaciaire, bilan, objectifs et perspectives de la recherche, Nanterre, France, Oct. 2018. <hal-02881652>.
L. Drapier, L. Lespez, and M.-A. Germaine, "Information sharing with residents in dam removal: questioning the institutional framework in France and in the USA.," in Annual Meeting of the AAG, Nouvelle Orléans, United States, Apr. 2018. <hal-02519019>.
S. Dufour, and L. Lespez, "Les approches naturalistes en géographie, pour un renouveau réflexif autour de la notion de Nature.," in Session AGF " Les géographes et la nature. Nouveaux regards ", Paris, France, Sep. 2018. <hal-02276908>.
O. Faruk, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, A. Akbulut, F. Mokadem, J.-P. Dumoulin, and S. Saulnier-Copard, "Quantitative Holocene precipitation estimation based on palaeohydrological balance model (Simav Graben, West Anatolia).," in TURQUA, 8th Quaternary Symposium of Turkey, Istanbul, 2-5 Mai 2018, Istanbul, Turkey, May. 2018. <hal-03948014>.
A. Garnier, L. Lespez, S. Davidoux, M. Rasse, C. Tribolo, B. Lebrun, M. Lorenzo Martinez, B. Chevrier, S. Soriano, and H. Eric, "The contribution of phytoliths in a multi-proxy and multi-site study (Falémé valley, Senegal; Dogon Country, Mali)," in 11th International Meeting on Phytolith Research, Wuhan, China, Sep. 2018. <hal-02536101>.
M. Ghilardi, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, V. Andrieu-Ponel, J. Revelles-Lopez, K. Pêche Quilichini, and F. Longo, "The 3.2 ka cal. BP RCC event and its "impacts" on the Bronze Age civilizations of the Mediterranean: the case studies of Corsica, Crete and Anatolia," in Journée AFEQ SGF 2018 ''Méditerranée'', Paris, France, Nov. 2018. <hal-03145133>.
F. Gob, and N. Jacob-Rousseau, "Qualité du milieu, aménagement, ajustement, désaménagement," in L’eau dans tous ses Etats. 13e Entretiens de Bibracte-Morvan, Glux-en-Glenn, France, Sep. 2018. <hal-03904010>.
F. Gob, M. Jugie, L. Lespez, L. De Milleville, K. Godet, and E. Tales, "Ce que l'hydromorphologie nous dit de la qualité d'aujourd'hui et de demain des cours d'eau franciliens," in Les cours d’eau Franciliens : regards croisés sur les qualités et les usages actuels et futurs, Paris, France, May. 2018. <hal-03904021>.
E. Goval, D. Hérisson, C. Font, C. Paris, S. Coutard, and J. Locht, "Vers une meilleure compréhension des occupations humaines au Pléistocène dans le nord de la France : méthodologie, enjeux et perspectives, développement et application d'un SIG," in UISPP XVIIIth Congress. Session XV-2. Current research on settlement dynamics and cultural variability during the Middle Paleolithic, Paris, France, Jun. 2018. <hal-02323833>.
A. Gürel, M. Demir, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and C. Maner, "Holocene fluvio-lacustrine fill in the Ere\u gli Basin (central Turkey):," in 9th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, ANTALYA, Turkey, May. 2018. <hal-03948685>.
A. Gürel, M. Demir, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, J.-P. Dumoulin, and C. Maner, "Late Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction from sequences in the Adaba\u g marshes (Ere\u gli Plain, central Anatolia)," in 72th Symposium of Turkish Geology, ANKARA, Turkey, Apr. 2018. <hal-03948724>.
D. Hérisson, J. Locht, E. Goval, and P. Antoine, "Contribution des données de la Vallée de la Somme à la connaissance du Paléolithique inférieur et moyen," in Toute une (pré)histoire en Somme. État des connaissances sur la préhistoire et l'histoire des recherches en vallée de la Somme (XIXe-XXIe siècles), Abbeville, France, Nov. 2018. <hal-02323601>.
D. Hérisson, J. Locht, L. Vallin, L. Deschodt, P. Antoine, P. Auguste, N. Limondin-Lozouet, A. Gauthier, S. Lefebvre, G. Hulin, B. Masson, B. Ghaleb, C. Virmoux, J.-J. Bahain, T. Chica-Lefort, M. H. Field, P. Ponel, and C. Lécuyer, "Waziers (59) : 130 000 ans à la recherche des bois perdus," in Journées Régionales Archéologiques des Hauts-de-France, Lens, France, Dec. 2018. <hal-02323422>.
G. Jamet, M. A. Kharazian, S. M. Hashemi, H. Vahdati Nasab, and G. Berillon, "Pedo-sedimentary Evolution and Site Formation Processes in Mirak Mound 8, South of Semnan," in Proceedings of the First International & Third National Congress of the Iranian Quaternary, Téhéran (Iran), Iran, Feb. 2018. <mnhn-04058296>.
S. Karadogan, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and D. Jean-Pascal, "Chronology of the Tigris valley geomorphologic evolution since the LGM according to Terrace records in the Diyarbak\ir area," in TURQUA, 8th Quaternary Symposium of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, May. 2018. <hal-03947998>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, M. özbasaran, E. Biçakçi, J.-P. Dumoulin, N. Kayacan, and N. Goring-Morris, "Quel rôle le climat a-t-il joué, et par quels processus, sur la Néolithisation de l’Anatolie centrale, qui diffusera les nouvelles pratiques les régions égéennes (jusque vers les Balkans et l’Europe)?," in Journées Scientifiques de l’Université de Paris Sud XI (Orsay), Orsay (Université Paris-Sud 11), France, Nov. 2018. <hal-03946082>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, S. Saulnier-Copard, and J.-P. Dumoulin, "Palaeoenvironmental records in and around PPN A\c s\ikl\i site in the Melendiz Valley (K\iz\ilkaya, Aksaray)," in TURQUA, 8th Quaternary Symposium of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey, May. 2018. <hal-03948004>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, A. Gürel, S. Cakici, and J.-P. Dumoulin, "Reconstruction of hydromorphologic dynamics in the east of the Bor Plain since the LGM," in 72th Symposium of Turkish Geology, ANKARA, Turkey, Apr. 2018. <hal-03949735>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, M. Demir, A. Gürel, J.-P. Dumoulin, and C. Maner, "Post-LGM evolution of environments in the Eregli area: first results from geological indicators," in Internat. Symposium of Earth Sciences in Cappadocia, NIGDE, Turkey, Oct. 2018. <hal-03946046>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, M. özbasaran, and J.-P. Dumoulin, "Off-site environmental sequences around A\c s\ikl\i Höyük PPN site (central Anatolia, Turkey)," in XVIIIème Congrès de l’Union Internationale Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, Paris, France, Jun. 2018. <hal-03946026>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, M. özbasaran, E. Biçakçi, L. D'alfonso, and A. Gürel, "What role for RCCs 10.3, 9.3 and 8.2 ka cal BP in the Neolithization process that spread from central Anatolia to western Anatolia?," in Climate Changes and social transformations in the past 12ka in the Mediterranean world,, Paris, France, Nov. 2018. <hal-03946074>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "Records of Quaternary Climate in Turkey: A Review with a Focus on the Holocene and Relationships with Human Societies," in 30th Internat. Geography Symposium of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey, Oct. 2018. <hal-03947971>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and C. Marro, "The 4.2 ka ''event''. State of the Art in Northern Mesopotamia," in Conference "Considering the 4.2 ka BP Event", Cambrige, United Kingdom, May. 2018. <hal-03940161>.
L. Ledoux, G. Berillon, N. Fourment, G. Jamet, J. Jaubert, X. Muth, and L. Wahl, "Human tracks in the cave of Fontanet (Ornolac--Ussat--les--Bains, Ariège, France)," in XVIIIe congrès de l’UISPP, Paris, France, Jun. 2018. <mnhn-04058256>.
C. Leroyer, D. Aoustin, C. Chaussé, and C. Marcigny, "Dynamique des écosystèmes autour des occupations mésolithiques & néolithiques du site d’Alizay (Eure)," in Colloque Q11 " Au Centre des Enjeux ", Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <hal-02149794>.
L. Lespez, M. Rasse, S. Davidoux, A. Garnier, B. Lebrun, C. Tribolo, I. Hajdas, M. Lorenzo Martinez, B. Chevrier, M. Ndiaye, D. Katja, and H. Eric, "Fluvial system changes during the last 35 kyr along the falémé river (eastern senegal): palaeoclimatic and settlement implications.," in Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences, Giessen, Germany, Sep. 2018. <hal-02536062>.
C. Marro, V. Bakhshaliyev, R. Berthon, A. Decaix, V. Andrieu-Ponel, and C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "''The role of climate in the Neolithization processes of the Caucasus: new evidence from Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan)''," in 18e congrès de l'UISPP: ''Adaptation et durabilité des sociétés préhistoriques et protohistoriques face aux variations climatiques'', Paris, France, Jun. 2018. <hal-03145145>.
C. Marro, V. Bakhshaliyev, R. Berthon, A. Decaix, V. Andrieu-Ponel, S.-C. Ségolène, F. Mokadem, I. Bihannic, and C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "The Neolithization processes of the Caucasus: new archaeological and environmental evidence from Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan)," in 18e congrès de l'UISPP:''Adaptation et durabilité des sociétés préhistoriques et protohistoriques face aux variations climatiques'', Paris, France, Jun. 2018. <hal-01884014>.
F. Ocakoglu, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, A. Akbulut, F. Mokadem, F. Mokadem, S. Saulnier-Copard, F. Ocakoglu, S. Saulnier-Copard, and A. Akbulut, "Sediment records of lake level changes in the Simav Graben (western Turkey," in 72th Symposium of Turkish Geology, ANKARA, Turkey, Apr. 2018. <hal-03949739>.
C. Paris, P. Antoine, P. Coudret, S. Coutard, E. Deneuve, J.-P. Fagnart, N. Goutas, J. Lacarrière, O. Moine, and C. Peschaux, "Amiens-Renancourt 1: An Exception in the Northwest European Gravettian?," in Le Nord-Ouest européen au Gravettien : apports des travaux récents à la compréhension des sociétés et de leurs environnements, Liège, Belgium, Apr. 2018. <hal-03511412>.
O. Plattard, and L. Chalonge, "Représenter l'urbain dans un modèle d'évacuation d'une population littorale face à un tsunami," in CIST2018 - Représenter les territoires / Representing territories, Rouen, France, Mar. 2018, pp. 578-583. <hal-01854364>. PDF
G. Shahsavari, A. Campisano, C. Modica, and G. Arnaud-Fassetta, "Validation of an unsteady flow numerical model for sediment transport induced by flushing operation in combined sewers," in 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Palerme, France, Sep. 2018. <hal-01907266>. PDF
Z. Tsirsoni, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, P. Nondédéo, and O. Weller, "Different times ? Archaeological and environmental data from intra-site and off-sites sequences. An introduction," in 18th World Congress of the UISPP, Paris, France, Jun. 2018. <hal-03883962>.
Z. Tsirtsoni, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, O. Nondedeo, and O. Weller, "Different times? Archaeological and environmental data from intra-site and off-sites sequences.," in 18th World Congress of the UISPP, Paris, France, 2018. <hal-03946040>.
V. Villa, C. Chaussé, A. Pereira, S. Nomade, J.-J. Bahain, N. Limondin-Lozouet, F. Fusco, J.-P. Degeai, G. Boschian, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, M. Pagli, D. Aureli, and E. Nicoud, "The long sedimentary sequence of Valle Giumentina in Central Italy: evolution or continuity in human behaviors from MIS 14 to MIS 12 ?," in UISPP, Paris, France, 2018. <hal-02065172>.
C. Virmoux, D. Grancher, and A. Moatty, "Apports de la cartographie dynamique dans la gestion de la post-catastrophe, le cas du cyclone Irma à Saint-Martin," in Géorisque XIV, Montpellier, France, Jan. 2018. <hal-04424003>.
Q. Wackenheim, V. Fichet, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and M. Horsak, "La forêt engloutie sous la mer : Nouvelles données paléoenvironnementales sur la 'Forêt de Quintefeuille' d'après les cortèges malacologiques holocènes (Graye-sur-mer, Normandie)," in Colloque national de Malacologie continentale, Nantes, France, Dec. 2018. <hal-02530087>. PDF
M.-J. Weber, E. Caron-Laviolette, L. Mevel, O. Bignon-Lau, C. Chaussé, M. Christensen, I. De Miranda, D. Gaignard, Y. Le Jeune, M. Olive, and V. Boris, "And now for something (not) completely different: Magdalenian variability at Etiolles and beyond," in Magdalenian: chronology-territory-settlement structures, Rzeszow, Poland, 2018. <halshs-03914894>.
J.-J. Bahain, P. Voinchet, C. Falguères, P. Antoine, S. Coutard, and J.-L. Locht, "Datation par ESR et ESR/U-Th du site paléolithique pléistocène moyen de Menchecourt à Abbeville (Somme, France)," in 11ème colloque international sur le Quaternaire "Q11 - au Centre des enjeux", Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <mnhn-03969831>.
C. Coussot, M. Liard, and N. Mercier, "Séquence de comblement d'un paléovallon en contexte de plateau (350-10 ka): la séquence de Courville-sur-Eure (Eure-et-Loir, France)," in Colloque Q11 AFEQ-INQUA, Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <hal-01796967>.
A. Creach, E. Chevillot-Miot, D. Mercier, and L. Pourinet, "Risque de submersion marine sur l’île de Noirmoutier : état des lieux de l’exposition du bâti," in La Conférence Francophone Esri SIG 2018, Paris, France, 2018. <hal-03113957>.
J. Dabkowski, Q. Wackenheim, L. Boudad, N. Limondin-Lozouet, D. Fiorillo, and J.-F. Berger, "Middle Holocene palaeoenvironments and paleoclimates in the Middle Atlas: the multidisciplinary study of a ‘real’ tufa in Morocco," in Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences, Giessen, Germany, Dec. 2018. <hal-03887644>.
M. Morel, D. Booker, M. Stewardson, A. Vivier, H. Piégay, F. Gob, T. Vincent, and N. Lamouroux, "Modélisation statistique de la géométrie hydraulique des tronçons à travers le réseau hydrographique et applications à la gestion des bassins versants," in 3ème Conférence Internationale IsRivers - Recherches et actions au service des fleuves et grandes rivières, Lyon, France, Jun. 2018. <hal-02043202>.
H.-G. Naton, P. Bodu, O. Moine, V. Fichet, G. Jamet, L. Vasiliu, and L. Huguenard, "Le gisement paléolithique des Bossats à Ormesson (Seine-et-Marne, France) : une séquence sédimentaire unique du Pléniglaciaire weichselien jalonnée de niveaux d’occupation humaine.," in Colloque Q11 AFEQ/CNF-INQUA, Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <hal-03888754>.
E. Stoetzel, P. Antoine, O. Moine, and N. Limondin-Lozouet, "Quelques données nouvelles sur les assemblages de microvertébrés du Pléistocène moyen et supérieur du Nord de la France," in Colloque Q11, Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <hal-02402623>.
Q. Wackenheim, J. Dabkowski, L. Boudad, J.-F. Berger, and N. Limondin-Lozouet, "Etude paléoenvironnementale d’un tuf calcaire holocène du Moyen Atlas marocain (Aït Said ou Idder) : observations de terrain et données préliminaires," in Colloque AFEQ-CNF-INQUA Q12, Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <hal-03887643>.

Autre publication


C. Leroyer, D. Aoustin, C. Chaussé, and C. Marcigny, "Dynamique des écosystèmes autour des occupations mésolithiques et néolithiques du site d' Alizay (Eure)," unpublished, 2018, pp. 1. <hal-01957493>.

Direction d’ouvrage, Proceedings, Dossier


P. Nondédéo, L. Garrido, J. Sion, D. Perla, J. Hiquet, J. Quiñonez, J. Begel, J. Cotom, E. Lemonnier, C. Morales Aguilar, C. Castanet, I. Barrientos, L. Purdue, J. Patrois, C. Andrieu, A. Díaz, L. Dussol, M. Testé, A. Garnier, D. Michelet, B. Arroyo, A. G, M. Luis, C. M, and R. Ricardo, "La temporada 2017 del Proyecto Naachtun (2015-2018)," in XXXI Simposio de investigaciones arqueológicas en Guatemala, 17-21 de julio de 2017, Guatemala Ciudad, Guatemala, 2018, pp. 331-345. <hal-02132495>.
C. Riche, C. Coussot, and E. Ravon, "Des traces fugaces d'occupation à l'habitat structuré: l'exemple de Choisy-au-Bac (Oise),", 2018, vol. Habitation et habitat du Néolithique à l'Age du Bronze en France et ses marges. Actes des IIèmes rencontres Nord/Sud de Préhistoire récente, Dijon, 19-21 novembre 2015, pp. 561-574. <hal-03926385>.



M. Jugie, "Hydrogeomorphological trajectory of a small periurban river of the Seine basin : landscaping river, ''unlandscaping'' river ?," M.S. thesis, Sep. 2018. <tel-02181434>. PDF
B. W. Mutaqin, "Geomorphic impacts of the 1257 CE eruption of Samalas along the Alas strait, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia," M.S. thesis, Dec. 2018. <tel-02413719>. PDF