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Laboratory of Physical Geography

The LGP's research interests lay at the interface between Earth (geomorphology, geology), Life (ecology and biology) and Social Sciences (geography, archeology). The research carried out at the LGP is both fundamental and applied as it deals with the reconstruction of the Quaternary paleoenvironments, the historical evolution of hydrological systems, the analysis of biodiversity, the effects of climate change on the environment and the dynamics of natural hazards.

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The LGP's research interests lay at the interface between Earth (geomorphology, geology), Life (ecology and biology) and Social Sciences (geography, archeology). The research carried out at the LGP is both fundamental and applied as it deals with the reconstruction of the Quaternary paleoenvironments, the historical evolution of hydrological systems, the analysis of biodiversity, the effects of climate change on the environment and the dynamics of natural hazards.

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The LGP's research interests lay at the interface between Earth (geomorphology, geology), Life (ecology and biology) and Social Sciences (geography, archeology). The research carried out at the LGP is both fundamental and applied as it deals with the reconstruction of the Quaternary paleoenvironments, the historical evolution of hydrological systems, the analysis of biodiversity, the effects of climate change on the environment and the dynamics of natural hazards.

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Last publications

Journal articles


P. Antoine, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Dabkowski, J.-J. Bahain, B. Ghaleb, J.-L. Reyss, P. Auguste, N. Sévêque, G. Jamet, M.-C. Jolly-Saad, A. Gauthier, L. Lebreton, and J.-L. Locht, "Last interglacial in western Europe: 20 years of multidisciplinary research on the Eemian (MIS 5e) calcareous tufa sequence at Caours (Somme basin, France) -- a review," Boreas, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 297-346, 2024. <10.1111/bor.12654>. <hal-04563846>. PDF
J.-M. Bichain, Q. Wackenheim, T. Durr, V. Schoenfelder, and J. Ryelandt, "Distribution of the freshwater snail Gyraulus rossmaessleri (Auerswald, 1852) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Planorbidae) at the present and past western limit of its range (north-eastern France)," Folia Malacologica, 2024. <10.12657/folmal.032.015>. <hal-04669290>. PDF
C. Castanet, A. Fernandes, F. Mokadem, C. Hatté, C. Gauthier, A.-L. Develle-Vincent, J. Cavero, H. Dru, C. Virmoux, G. Sipos, L. Dussol, and P. Nondédéo, "Wetland landscapes in the Southern Maya Lowlands (Naachtun, Guatemala) from the ancient agroecosystems to the tropical biosphere reserve: Ecology, exploitation and management of water and soil resources, and heritage legacy," Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, Apr. 2024. <10.1002/gea.22003>. <hal-04529456>.
S. Coutard, T. Ducrocq, and A. Bridault, "Nouvelles données sur l’enregistrement sédimentaire tardiglaciaire-holocène et les occupations préhistoriques dans la vallée de la Selle(Somme)," Revue archéologique de Picardie, no. 1-2, pp. 5-68, 2024. <hal-04672290>.
J. Dabkowski, and L. Beaumont, "Rise and decline of Holocene tufas across Europe: exploring east/west and north/south similarities and differences in their development," Journal of Quaternary Science, 2024. <10.1002/jqs.3637>. <hal-04621984>. PDF
P. Debels, L. Drieu, P. Chiquet, J. Studer, A. Malergue, L. Martignac, L. Champion, A. Garnier, V. Fichet, M. Sall, M. Regert, and A. Mayor, "Investigating grandmothers’ cooking: A multidisciplinary approach to foodways on an archaeological dump in Lower Casamance, Senegal," PLoS ONE, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. e0295794, 2024. <10.1371/journal.pone.0295794>. <halshs-04593622>. PDF
J. Douvinet, M. Rakoto, D. Grancher, E. Daudé, and R. Moutard, "Assessing the content of Cell Broadcasted alerts distributed in France via FR-Alert®: scientific issues and operational implications," NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communications Studies, vol. 37-3/4, May. 2024. <10.4000/w8a0>. <hal-04578516>.
S. Duché, D. Grancher, &. Beck, D. Chionne, I. André-Poyaud, and N. Robinet, "Evaluation of preventive information using alternative protocol: interactive play interactive play," Weather, Climate, and Society, Sep. 2024. <10.1175/WCAS-D-23-0124.1>. <hal-04712511>.
A. Faral, F. Lavigne, W. J. Sastrawan, I. G. P. E. Suryana, A. Schrikker, M. Pageh, A. D. Made, M. W. A. Kesiman, M. N. Malawani, and D. S. Hadmoko, "Deadliest natural disaster in Balinese history in November 1815 revealed by Western and Indonesian written sources," Natural Hazards, Jun. 2024. <10.1007/s11069-024-06671-5>. <hal-04619223>.
M. Fontugne, C. Hatté, N. Tisnérat-Laborde, V. Ollivier, and C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "Variability of radiocarbon reservoir age effects in lakes and rivers in Anatolia and lasser Caucasus.," Radiocarbon, pp. 1-11, May. 2024. <10.1017/RDC.2024.41>. <hal-04577508>.