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Article dans une revue


P. Antoine, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Dabkowski, J.-J. Bahain, B. Ghaleb, J.-L. Reyss, P. Auguste, N. Sévêque, G. Jamet, M.-C. Jolly-Saad, A. Gauthier, L. Lebreton, and J.-L. Locht, "Last interglacial in western Europe: 20 years of multidisciplinary research on the Eemian (MIS 5e) calcareous tufa sequence at Caours (Somme basin, France) -- a review," Boreas, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 297-346, 2024. <10.1111/bor.12654>. <hal-04563846>. PDF
C. Castanet, A. Fernandes, F. Mokadem, C. Hatté, C. Gauthier, A.-L. Develle-Vincent, J. Cavero, H. Dru, C. Virmoux, G. Sipos, L. Dussol, and P. Nondédéo, "Wetland landscapes in the Southern Maya Lowlands (Naachtun, Guatemala) from the ancient agroecosystems to the tropical biosphere reserve: Ecology, exploitation and management of water and soil resources, and heritage legacy," Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, Apr. 2024. <10.1002/gea.22003>. <hal-04529456>.
J. Dabkowski, and L. Beaumont, "Rise and decline of Holocene tufas across Europe: exploring east/west and north/south similarities and differences in their development," Journal of Quaternary Science, 2024. <10.1002/jqs.3637>. <hal-04621984>. PDF
P. Debels, L. Drieu, P. Chiquet, J. Studer, A. Malergue, L. Martignac, L. Champion, A. Garnier, V. Fichet, M. Sall, M. Regert, and A. Mayor, "Investigating grandmothers’ cooking: A multidisciplinary approach to foodways on an archaeological dump in Lower Casamance, Senegal," PLoS ONE, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. e0295794, 2024. <10.1371/journal.pone.0295794>. <halshs-04593622>. PDF
J. Douvinet, M. Rakoto, D. Grancher, E. Daudé, and R. Moutard, "Assessing the content of Cell Broadcasted alerts distributed in France via FR-Alert®: scientific issues and operational implications," NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communications Studies, vol. 37-3/4, May. 2024. <10.4000/w8a0>. <hal-04578516>.
A. Faral, F. Lavigne, W. J. Sastrawan, I. G. P. E. Suryana, A. Schrikker, M. Pageh, A. D. Made, M. W. A. Kesiman, M. N. Malawani, and D. S. Hadmoko, "Deadliest natural disaster in Balinese history in November 1815 revealed by Western and Indonesian written sources," Natural Hazards, Jun. 2024. <10.1007/s11069-024-06671-5>. <hal-04619223>.
M. Fontugne, C. Hatté, N. Tisnérat-Laborde, V. Ollivier, and C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "Variability of radiocarbon reservoir age effects in lakes and rivers in Anatolia and lasser Caucasus.," Radiocarbon, pp. 1-11, May. 2024. <10.1017/RDC.2024.41>. <hal-04577508>.
S. Granai, C. Laurelut, A. Gonnet, and V. Fichet, "Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of poorly stratified sites using malacological assemblages of archaeological features: A case study in Reims (NE France)," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 56, pp. 104576, Jun. 2024. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104576>. <hal-04574284>.
M. N. Malawani, F. Lavigne, K. Kelfoun, P. Lahitte, D. S. Hadmoko, C. Gomez, P. Wassmer, S. Syamsuddin, and A. Faral, "Large debris avalanche and associated eruptive event at Samalas volcano, Lombok, Indonesia," Bulletin of Volcanology, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 24, Mar. 2024. <10.1007/s00445-024-01727-7>. <hal-04487003>.
D. Mercier, "Grand Nord. Un voyage dans le cercle arctique," La Géographie : terre des Hommes, no. 1593, pp. 50, Jun. 2024. <hal-04625074>.
D. Mercier, "Atlas de l'Antarctique," La Géographie : terre des Hommes, no. 1593, pp. 48, Jun. 2024. <hal-04625076>.
E. Mesmin, E. Gautier, G. Arnaud-Fassetta, M. Foucher, G. Martins, and F. Gob, "Characterization of periods of high and low hydrological activity in the Loire River, France, between the 14th and mid-19th centuries," Journal of Hydrology, vol. 633, pp. 130932, Apr. 2024. <10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.130932>. <halshs-04497902>.
E. Mesmin, E. Gautier, G. Arnaud-Fassetta, M. Foucher, G. Martins, and F. Gob, "Characterization of periods of high and low hydrological activity in the Loire River, France, between the 14th and mid-19th centuries," Journal of Hydrology, vol. 633, pp. 130932, Apr. 2024. <10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.130932>. <hal-04487777>.
R. Ouchaou, J.-Y. Reynaud, Y. Besse, A. Tilehghouatine, E. Armynot Du Châtelet, A. Trentesaux, R. Abraham, L. Deschodt, G. Hulin, S. Desoutter, B. Fores, M. Lançon, and F.-X. Simon, "The depositional record of the French Flemish Coastal plain since antiquity: Impacts of land reclamation in a tide-dominated estuary," Depositional Record, Mar. 2024. <10.1002/dep2.279>. <hal-04583376>. PDF
E. Portier, D. Mercier, A. Decaulne, and E. Cossart, "Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating of seven paraglacial rock-slope failures in the Bolungarvík-Su\dhureyri area (Westfjords, Iceland)," Geomorphology, pp. 109230, Apr. 2024. <10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109230>. <hal-04563727>.
J. Ryelandt, Q. Wackenheim, and J.-M. Bichain, "A relict or new immigrant? The first record of the planorbid Gyraulus riparius (Westerlund, 1865) in France," Journal of Conchology, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 186-194, 2024. <10.61733/jconch/4517>. <hal-04661943>. PDF
H. Vahdati Nasab, G. Berillon, S. M. Hashemi, J.-J. Bahain, N. Sévêque, M. Jayez, S. Bonilauri, G. Jamet, M. A. Kharazian, A. Nateghi, A. Abdollahi, P. Antoine, I. Beheshti, N. Boulbes, C. Chapon-Sao, X. Gallet, C. Falguères, L. Garbé, M. Kazzazi, A. Z. Mousavi, S. Nematollahinia, J. özçelebi, E. Stoetzel, O. Tombret, and V. Zeitoun, "Qaleh Kurd Cave (Qazvin, Iran): Oldest Evidence of Middle Pleistocene Hominin Occupations and a Human Deciduous Tooth in the Iranian Central Plateau," Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 16, May. 2024. <10.1007/s41982-024-00180-4>. <mnhn-04584258>. PDF
V. Villa, E. Nicoud, J. Guibert--Cardin, A. Tomasso, C. Chaussé, G. Boschian, J.-P. Degeai, F. Fusco, and N. Limondin-Lozouet, "Environmental changes and human occupations between MIS 15 and MIS 14 in Central Italy: archaeological levels AO1-20, 24 and LBr of Valle Giumentina (c. 570--530 ka)," Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 33, Jan. 2024. <10.1007/s12520-024-01938-1>. <hal-04417477>.

Communication dans un congrès


L. Beaumont, C. Garcia, P. Antoine, N. Limondin-Lozouet, B. Brasseur, and J. Dabkowski, "Calcareous tufas of the middle Somme valley during the Holocene: spatial repartition, chronostratigraphy and paleogeographic implications," in Quaternaire Q14, Rennes, France, Feb. 2024. <hal-04628974>.
V. Dabrowski, A. Garnier, J. Rohmer, I. Al-Mshabi, F. Lesguer, G. Chung-To, and M. Laguardia, "How to supply a large urban population in the desert during Antiquity ? Archaeobotanical multi-proxyanalyses on the caravan city of Thaj," in The 57th Seminar for Arabian Studies, Paris, France, Jun. 2024. <hal-04630040>.
C. Hureau, E. Gautier, V. Daux, S. Guillet, A. Dumont, C. Lavier, M. Stievenard, and M. Pierre, "Trois chronologies inédites pour le centre de la France au cours du dernier siècle à partir des largeurs de cernes, du $\delta$18O et du $\delta$13C de Quercus petraea," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues 2024, Reims, France, Jun. 2024. <hal-04635720>. PDF
L. Mairaville, S. Chapkanski, D. Todisco, C. Finco, C. Pailles, T. Lepert, J. Parétias, and D. Mouralis, "Evolution holocène paléo-environnementale de la vallée du Commerce,," in Quaternaire (Q14) - Tous à l'Ouest, Rennes, France, Feb. 2024. <hal-04548944>.
E. Mesmin, E. Gautier, G. Arnaud-Fassetta, S. Saulnier-Copard, and C. Virmoux, "Study of the impacts of the Little Ice Age period on the Loire River floodplain (France): contribution of the morpho-sedimentary approach," in EGU 2024, Vienne, Austria, Apr. 2024. <10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16631>. <hal-04558696>.
E. Mesmin, E. Gautier, G. Arnaud-Fassetta, S. Saulnier-Copard, and C. Virmoux, "Étude morpho-sédimentaire de l'évolution des paléochenaux de la Loire au cours du Petit Âge Glaciaire," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Reims, France, Jun. 2024. <hal-04621615>.
M. Péan, M. Delmas, D. Mercier, and R. Braucher, "Fluctuations glaciaires entre 15 et 29 ka et leurs implications climatiques dans la haute-vallée de la Neste (Pyrénées Centrales, France)," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Reims - Université de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne, France, Jun. 2024. <hal-04621433>.
E. Portier, D. Mercier, A. Decaulne, and E. Cossart, "Le rôle des séquences de déglaciation dans l'évidement des vallées glaciaires : le cas de Nesdalur, Westfjords, Islande," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Reims, France, Jun. 2024. <hal-04621421>.
G. Terti, I. Ruin, B. Gaudou, D. Grancher, D. Bodini, P. Nicolle, and O. Payrastre, "Improving decision-making during high-impact hydrometeorological events: A series of serious games for flood crisis management exercises," in 18th PLINIUS Conference on Mediterranean Risks, Chania, Greece, Sep. 2024. <10.5194/egusphere-plinius18-68>. <hal-04662610>.
L. Beaumont, F. Betard, and J. Dabkowski, "Les tufs calcaires : evaluation d’un patrimoine geomorphologique heteroclite," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues 2024, Reims, France, Jun. 2024. <hal-04629000>. PDF
L. Beaumont, J. Dabkowski, F. Betard, and V. Fichet, "Premières interprétations paléoenvironnementales du tuf de Annevoie-Rouillon (Belgique)," in Quaternaire Q14, Rennes, France, Feb. 2024. <hal-04628988>. PDF
L. Deschodt, S. Desoutter, M. Lançon, O. Rachid, G. Hulin, F.-X. Simon, and B. Fores, "Les ''mares endiguées'' de la plaine maritime flamande : une utilisation opportuniste d'ombilics de rupture de digue," in Q14. Tous à l'ouest ! Le Quaternaire dans tous ses états : terre, mer, glace, Rennes, France, Feb. 2024. <hal-04488641>. PDF
M. Ribeyre, and D. Mercier, "Etude de l'évolution géomorphologique du littoral et de l'apparition de nouvelles côtes en réponse au retrait glaciaire dans l'ouest du Spitsberg (Svalbard) sur le fjord du Julibreen dans le Krossfjorden," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Reims, France, Jun. 2024. <hal-04621443>.

Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)


S. Dufour, and L. Lespez, Géographie de l'environnement, Armand Colin, Jan. 2024. <hal-04617791>.

Direction d’ouvrage, Proceedings, Dossier


T. Bagès, M. Buzaré, N. Calixte, M. D'avdeew, I. Delépine, M. Fruiquière, M.-H. Gauthier, F. Gueguen, P. Kunysz, P. Lavigne-Delville, D. Le Lan, J. Maulat, A. C. Mawussi, C. Pérez-Houis, C. Poupeau, L. Raymond, L. Reville, O. Sebillotte, C. Schmoll, P. Siarry, I. Valitutto, J. Vettraino, and P. Sachot, "Action in research and research in action: what intertwining?," in Actes de la journée des jeunes chercheur·ses de l'Institut de Géographie de Paris, 2024, pp. 97. <10.58079/1b5n>. <hal-04560937>. PDF

Autre publication


L. Lespez, and S. Plutniak, "Beyond geographical and environmental determinism, how can we look at the relationship between prehistoric and protohistoric societies and their environment?," unpublished, Jan. 2024. <hal-04435266>.