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Publications 2021

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N. Achard-Corompt, E. Ghesquière, S. Granai, C. Laurelut, C. Leduc, A. Rémy, I. Richard, V. Riquier, L. Sanson, and J. Wattez, "Recy " Le Mont Grenier " (Marne): Un gisement de fosses du Mésolithique," L'anthropologie, pp. 102925, Sep. 2021. <10.1016/j.anthro.2021.102925>. <hal-03980409>.
P. Antoine, S. Coutard, J.-J. Bahain, J. Locht, D. Hérisson, and E. Goval, "The last 750 ka in loess--palaeosol sequences from northern France: environmental background and dating of the western European Palaeolithic," Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1293-1310, Mar. 2021. <10.1002/jqs.3281>. <hal-03164133>. PDF
E. Basquin, D. Mercier, A. Creach, E. D'acremont, and S. Lafuerza, "Diagnostic préliminaire de l’exposition du littoral méditerranéen du Maroc face au risque de tsunami," Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français, vol. 98, no. 3-4, pp. 546-565, 2021. <10.4000/bagf.8728>. <hal-03558958>.
F. Blaser, J. Locht, H. Djema, and C. Chaussé, "La recherche sur les périodes paléolithiques antérieures au Dernier Maximum Glaciaire en archéologie préventive. Bilan, objectifs et perspectives," Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial, vol. 36, pp. 321-332, 2021. <hal-03676874>.
F. Blaser, S. Clément, H. Djema, J. Locht, C. Chaussé, and C. Coussot, "Peuplements et territoires paléolithiques avant le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire : retour sur 10 années d’activités dans le cadre de l’archéologie préventive francilienne," Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial, vol. 36, pp. 149-197, 2021. <hal-03676845>.
T. Bongarts Lebbe, H. Rey-Valette, &. Chaumillon, G. Camus, R. Almar, A. Cazenave, J. Claudet, N. Rocle, C. Meur-Ferec, F. Viard, D. Mercier, C. Dupuy, F. Ménard, B. A. Rossel, L. Mullineaux, M.-A. Sicre, A. Zivian, F. Gaill, and A. Euzen, "Designing coastal adaptation strategies to tackle sea level rise," Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 8, pp. 740602, Nov. 2021. <10.3389/fmars.2021.740602>. <hal-03412421>. PDF
E. Brocard, P. Antoine, P. Mélihan-Cheinin, and E. Rusch, "COVID-19′s impact on home health services, caregivers and patients: lessons from the French experience," The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, vol. 8, pp. 100197, Sep. 2021. <10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100197>. <hal-03649031>.
A. Burke, M. Peros, C. Wren, F. Pausata, J. Riel-Salvatore, O. Moine, A. De Vernal, M. Kageyama, and S. Boisard, "The archaeology of climate change: The case for cultural diversity," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 118, no. 30, pp. e2108537118, Jul. 2021. <10.1073/pnas.2108537118>. <hal-03296938>. PDF
S. Chapkanski, J.-P. Goiran, C. Rosa, S. Keay, S. Kay, D. Ertlen, and X. Gallet, "Analyses des matériaux de construction bruts de Portus par la Spectroscopie Moyen InfraRouge (SMIR)," Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger, Jul. 2021. <10.4000/baefe.3278>. <hal-03780972>. PDF
S. Chapkanski, J.-P. Goiran, C. Rosa, S. Kay, A. De Graauw, X. Gallet, D. D'ottavio, and S. Keay, "Infrared spectroscopic investigations of the Northern Mole of Portus, the Ancient harbour of Rome. Insights for stratigraphy and provenance of raw materials for construction," Mediterranean archaeology and archaeometry journal, Aug. 2021. <10.5281/zenodo.5057562>. <hal-03337663>. PDF
C. Chaussé, C. Coussot, P. Wuscher, J.-J. Bahain, A. Fülling, B. Ghaleb, M. Lamothe, C. Roques, O. Tombret, E. Vartanian, P. Voinchet, G. Bayle, F. Blaser, S. Clément, N. Connet, J. Locht, and B. Souffi, "Données quaternaires franciliennes antérieures au dernier maximum glaciaire : éléments de synthèse issus de deux décennies de recherche en archéologie préventive," Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial, vol. 36, pp. 97-126, 2021. <hal-03676817>.
S. Clément, and C. Coussot, "Caractériser un site dès le diagnostic : spécificités de la Préhistoire Ancienne. Exemple du site de " Pont Cailloux " à Thiverval-Grignon (78)," Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial, no. 36, pp. 199-211, 2021. <hal-03676849>. PDF
S. Cordier, T. Kalicki, T. Lauer, G. Rixhon, and R. Van Balen, "Twenty-five years of FLAG activity: Concepts, foci, trends in research," Geomorphology, vol. 373, pp. 107443 -, Jan. 2021. <10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107443>. <hal-03493112>. PDF
J. Dabkowski, M.-C. Jolly-Saad, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and D. Hérisson, "Réhabilitation d’un site à fort potentiel du Paléolithique moyen : premières prospections et données paléo-environnementales sur le tuf de Resson (10)," Bulletin de la Société archéologique champenoise, vol. 114, no. 1, pp. 59-60, 2021. <hal-03050689>. PDF
M. Daoudi, K. Hachemi, and A. Bamousa, "Geomorphologic Domination on Urban Sprawl of Southern Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Using Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR)," International Journal of Geosciences, vol. 12, no. 06, pp. 541-559, 2021. <10.4236/ijg.2021.126030>. <hal-04004430>.
&. Daudé, D. Grancher, and F. Lavigne, "Évacuation massive des populations en temps d’épidémie de COVID-19 : comment éviter la sur-crise ?," EchoGéo, no. 20961, 2021. <10.4000/echogeo.20961>. <halshs-03177723>. PDF
L. De Milleville, F. Gob, E. Tales, and L. Lespez, "Hydrogeomorphological alteration and ecological quality of three small peri-urban rivers in the Paris metropolitan area," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 205-219, Oct. 2021. <10.4000/geomorphologie.15739>. <hal-03542904>.
T. Dépret, C. Virmoux, E. Gautier, H. Piégay, M. Doncheva, B. Plaisant, S. Ghamgui, E. Mesmin, S. Saulnier-Copard, L. De Milleville, J. Cavero, and P. Hamadouche, "Lowland gravel-bed river recovery through former mining reaches, the key role of sand," Geomorphology, vol. 373, pp. 107493, Jan. 2021. <10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107493>. <hal-03793233>. PDF
L. Deschodt, "Morphostratigraphic features of the northern French plains. Implications for the preservation and detection of Paleolithic sites prior to the last glacial maximum," Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial, vol. 36, pp. 245-258, 2021. <hal-03514985>.
L. Deschodt, M. Lançon, S. Desoutter, G. Hulin, F.-X. Simon, B. Vanwalscappel, Y. Créteur, F. Broes, V. Devred, D. Favier, and A.-L. Le Bayon, "Archaeological exploration of 170 hectares in the maritime plain (Bourbourg, Saint-Georges-sur-l’Aa, Craywick, Northern France): restitution of the closure of an estuary during the Middle Ages and higlighting of dyked ponds," Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, vol. 192, no. 12, pp. 20, Mar. 2021. <10.1051/bsgf/2021004>. <halshs-03184693>. PDF
J. Despriée, Q. Borderie, C. Coussot, P. Gardère, and M. Liard, "Le Pléistocène de la Région Centre Val-de-Loire. Données anciennes et données récentes issues de l’archéologie préventive," Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial, vol. 36, pp. 259-283, 2021. <hal-03605363>.
M. Digan, O. Franc, E. Morin, G. Bayle, E. Gauvrit Roux, J.-B. Lajoux, O. Moine, I. Théry-Parisot, J. Wattez, P. Alix, and F. Thiercelin-Ferber, "Découverte inédite d’un site gravettien de plein air à Crest (Drôme)," Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, vol. 118, no. 1, pp. 155-159, 2021. <halshs-03215071>. PDF
K. Douze, L. Lespez, M. Rasse, C. Tribolo, A. Garnier, B. Lebrun, N. Mercier, M. Ndiaye, B. Chevrier, and E. Huysecom, "A West African Middle Stone Age site dated to the beginning of MIS 5: Archaeology, chronology, and paleoenvironment of the Ravin Blanc I (eastern Senegal)," Journal of Human Evolution, vol. 154, pp. 102952, 2021. <10.1016/j.jhevol.2021.102952>. <hal-03178797>. PDF
L. Drapier, M.-A. Germaine, L. Lespez, F. Magilligan, and C. Sneddon, "Networks, Coalitions and the Contestation of Dam Removal Across Political and Institutional Scales in France and New England (USA)," Geographical Review, 2021. <10.1080/00167428.2021.1953382>. <hal-03288645>.
L. Dussol, B. Vannière, L. Purdue, F. Orange, M. Testé, C. Castanet, A. Garnier, E. Lemonnier, and I. Théry-Parisot, "How to highlight slash-and-burn agriculture in ancient soils? A modern baseline of agrarian fire imprint in the Guatemalan lowlands using charcoal particle analysis," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 35, pp. 102725, Feb. 2021. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102725>. <hal-03090779>.
V. Duvat, N. Volto, L. Stahl, A. Moatty, S. Defossez, J. Desarthe, D. Grancher, and V. Pillet, "Understanding interlinkages between long-term trajectory of exposure and vulnerability, path dependency and cascading impacts of disasters in Saint-Martin (Caribbean)," Global Environmental Change, vol. 67, 2021. <10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2021.102236>. <hal-03134983>. PDF
S. Elineau, E. Longépée, L. Goeldner-Gianella, A. Nicolae-Lerma, P. Durand, and B. Anselme, "Understanding coastal flood risk prevention by combining modelling and sketch maps (Mediterranean coast, France)," Environmental hazards, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 457-476, Oct. 2021. <10.1080/17477891.2020.1840329>. <hal-03771124>.
E. Gautier, T. Dépret, J. Cavero, F. Costard, C. Virmoux, A. Fedorov, P. Konstantinov, M. Jammet, and D. Brunstein, "Fifty-year dynamics of the Lena River islands (Russia): Spatio-temporal pattern of large periglacial anabranching river and influence of climate change," Science of the Total Environment, vol. 783, pp. 147020, 2021. <10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147020>. <hal-03353117>. PDF
L. Gilet, F. Gob, C. Virmoux, E. Gautier, N. Thommeret, and N. Jacob-Rousseau, "Morpho-sedimentary dynamics associated to dam removal. The Pierre Glissotte dam (central France)," Science of the Total Environment, vol. 784, pp. 147079, Aug. 2021. <10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147079>. <hal-03229949>. PDF
F. Giligny, E. Delhommeau, L. Lemer, L. Aubry, and C. Billard, "" Moulins-sur-Orne, Argentan -- Brûle-Piquet, Les Hogues " [notice archéologique]," Archéologie de la France - Informations, Jun. 2021. <hal-03905732>.
C. Giusti, B. Comentale, E. Fouache, L. Lespez, M. Rasse, J.-P. Peulvast, M. Calvet, and M.-F. André, "An erudite geomorphologist : Jean-Jacques DUFAURE (1932-2020) - From neotectonics to geoarchaeology and human-environment geomorphology," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 297-325, 2021. <10.4000/geomorphologie.16057>. <hal-03905604>.
L. Goeldner-Gianella, Y. Abdi, D. Grancher, and E. Gautier, "The evocation of sea and river dikes in France in Le Monde: the role of the press in stimulating reflection on the future of dikes in the 21st century," Norois. Environnement, aménagement, société, no. 261, pp. 39-58, Dec. 2021. <10.4000/norois.11560>. <hal-03794872>.
J.-P. Goiran, G. Brocard, A. De Graauw, H. Kahwagi-Janho, and S. Chapkanski, "Evolution of Sea Level at Tyre During Antiquity," BAAL - Bulletin d'Archéologie et d'Architecture Libanaises, vol. 21, pp. 305-317, 2021. <hal-04242036>. PDF
S. Granai, "Récentes investigations malacologiques Holocènes en Champagne (France) : repères malacostratigraphiques, remarques biogéographiques et anthropisation des versants," Quaternaire, no. vol. 32/1, pp. 1127, Mar. 2021. <10.4000/quaternaire.14999>. <hal-03980468>.
K. Hachemi, F. Grecu, G. Ioana-Toroimac, \. S. Grigorie-Omrani, A. Ozer, and C. Kuzucuoglu, "The Utility of Morphometric Parameters Extracted from SAR Radar Images in the Monitoring of the Dynamics of the Danube Island System, Giurgiu-C\u al\u ara\c si Sector, Romania," International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, vol. 16, pp. 13 - 19, Feb. 2021. <10.18280/ijdne.160103>. <hal-03912612>. PDF
K. Hachemi, F. Grecu, G. Ioana-Toroimac, D. M. Constantin, and A. Ozer, "The diachronic analysis of island dynamics along the Vedea-Oltenița Danube river sector using SAR imagery," Mediterranean Geoscience Reviews, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 159-173, Jun. 2021. <10.1007/s42990-020-00042-5>. <hal-04004445>.
M.-C. Jolly-Saad, and J. Dabkowski, "Re-examination and new data from the last interglacial (Eemian) macroflora from the Resson tufa, France," Quaternaire, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 221-238, 2021. <10.4000/quaternaire.15923>. <hal-03462280>. PDF
H. Kern, N. Eckert, V. Jomelli, D. Grancher, M. Deschatres, and G. Arnaud-Fassetta, "Brief communication: Weak control of snow avalanche deposit volumes by avalanche path morphology," The Cryosphere, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 4845-4852, 2021. <10.5194/tc-15-4845-2021>. <hal-03993329>. PDF
A. Lamotte, P. Feray, L. Deschodt, P. Depaepe, J. Locht, and P. Antoine, "Handaxes and leafpoints industries in the Middle Palaeolithic in Northern France : state of knowledge on contexts, chronostratigraphy, typo-technology considerations and their meanings.," The UISPP journal, vol. 3, pp. 1-25, Dec. 2021. <hal-04418092>.
F. Lavigne, J. Morin, P. Wassmer, O. Weller, T. Kula, A. V. Maea, K. Kelfoun, F. Mokadem, R. Paris, M. N. Malawani, A. Faral, M. Benbakkar, S.-C. Ségolène, C. M. Vidal, T. Tu’i’afitu, F. Kitekei'aho, M. Trautmann, and C. A. Gomez, "Bridging Legends and Science: Field Evidence of a Large Tsunami that Affected the Kingdom of Tonga in the 15th Century," Frontiers in Earth Science, Dec. 2021. <10.3389/feart.2021.748755>. <hal-03465054>. PDF
L. Lespez, and S. Dufour, "The hybrids, the geography of nature and environment," Annales de géographie, vol. N°737, no. 1, pp. 58-85, Feb. 2021. <10.3917/ag.737.0058>. <hal-03143780>.
L. Lespez, S. Lescure, S. Saulnier, A. Glais, J.-F. Berger, F. Lavigne, C. Pearson, C. Virmoux, S. Müller Celka, and M. Pomadère, "Discovery of a tsunami deposit from the Bronze Age Santorini eruption at Malia (Crete): impact, chronology, extension," Scientific Reports, no. 11, pp. 15487, Jul. 2021. <10.1038/s41598-021-94859-1>. <hal-03363029>. PDF
J. Litovsky, A. Gauthier, D. Hillaire-Buys, C. Philibert, J. Bourrain, A. Chiriac, P. Demoly, and J. Faillie, "REPRISCAR--Suivi des patients ayant fait une toxidermie sévère entre 2009 et 2019 : impact sur la prise ultérieure de traitements et sur la qualité de vie," Revue francaise d'allergologie, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 277, May. 2021. <10.1016/j.reval.2021.03.119>. <hal-03676039>.
J.-L. Locht, S. Coutard, D. Hérisson, E. Goval, C. Paris, and P. Antoine, "Comment l'archéologie préventive a-t-elle contribué au renouvellement de la perception du Paléolithique dans le Nord de la France ?," Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial, vol. 36, pp. 49-76, Sep. 2021. <hal-03396235>. PDF
J. Locht, and C. Chaussé, "Five Middle Palaeolithic occupations from the Early Weichselian glacial: the Soindres deposit (Yvelines). Stratigraphy and lithic industries," Gallia Préhistoire -- Préhistoire de la France dans son contexte européen, vol. 61, pp. 5-54, 2021. <10.4000/galliap.2088>. <hal-03157242>.
J. Locht, S. Coutard, and R. Debiak, "Une occupation du Paléolithique moyen au cours du Pléniglaciaire Weichselien à Lislet (Aisne)," Revue archéologique de Picardie, vol. 2021, no. 3/4, 2021. <hal-03676748>.
J. Locht, "The eeamian lithic industries of Caours (Somme)," L'anthropologie, vol. 125, no. 3, pp. 102903, 2021. <10.1016/j.anthro.2021.102903>. <hal-03675696>. PDF
J. Locht, P. Antoine, S. Coutard, E. Goval, D. Hérisson, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and &. Mariette, "Réévaluation du potentiel archéologique du Bois de la Garenne à Cagny (Somme, France),," Revue archéologique de Picardie, vol. 2021, no. 1-2, pp. 7-39, Oct. 2021. <hal-03353773>. PDF
M. N. Malawani, F. Lavigne, C. Gomez, B. Mutaqin, and D. Sri Hadmoko, "Review of Local and Global Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions and Disaster Management Practices: The Indonesian Example," Geosciences, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 109, 2021. <10.3390/geosciences11030109>. <hal-03155309>.
M. Marfai, B. Mutaqin, D. Hadmoko, H. Wijayanti, F. Lavigne, and A. Faral, "The physical characteristics of the small volcanic island of Tidore and Hiri to support disaster management in Maluku," IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 851, no. 1, pp. 012008, Oct. 2021. <10.1088/1755-1315/851/1/012008>. <hal-03889264>.
E. Meilianda, F. Lavigne, B. Pradhan, P. Wassmer, D. Darusman, and M. Dohmen-Janssen, "Barrier Islands Resilience to Extreme Events: Do Earthquake and Tsunami Play a Role?," Water, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 178, Jan. 2021. <10.3390/w13020178>. <hal-03111978>. PDF
D. Mercier, "Les littoraux face aux assauts de la mer : comment la géographie peut aussi servir à sauver des vies humaines," Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français, vol. 98, no. 3-4, pp. 332-347, 2021. <10.4000/bagf.8139>. <hal-03558955>.
D. Mercier, and E. Gautier, "Actes des 21èmes Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues (Paris, 2020)," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 103-106, Jun. 2021. <10.4000/geomorphologie.15564>. <hal-03250007>.
A. Moatty, D. Grancher, and V. K. Duvat, "Leverages and obstacles facing post-cyclone recovery in Saint-Martin, Caribbean: Between the ‘window of opportunity’ and the ‘systemic risk’?," International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 63, pp. 102453, Jul. 2021. <10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102453>. <hal-03291975>. PDF
O. Moine, P. Antoine, S. Coutard, G. Guérin, C. Hatté, C. Paris, and S. Saulnier-Copard, "Intra-interstadial environmental changes in Last Glacial loess revealed by molluscan assemblages from the Upper Palaeolithic site of Amiens-Renancourt 1 (Somme, France)," Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 36, no. 8, pp. 1322-1340, Apr. 2021. <10.1002/jqs.3312>. <hal-03224365>. PDF
M.-H. Moncel, P. Antoine, A. Hurel, and J.-J. Bahain, "Reassessment of the ‘Abbevillien’ in the perspective of new discoveries from the Lower Palaeolithic and Quaternary sites of Abbeville (Somme, northern France)," Journal of Quaternary Science, vol. 36, no. 6, pp. 1122-1136, 2021. <10.1002/jqs.3329>. <hal-03320863>. PDF
M.-H. Moncel, P. Antoine, D. Hérisson, J.-L. Locht, P. Voinchet, and J.-J. Bahain, "The rediscovery of the site of Moulin Quignon (Somme Valley) and the earliest Acheulean of the North-West of Europe (650 ka)," L'anthropologie, vol. 125, no. 3, pp. 102905, Jul. 2021. <10.1016/j.anthro.2021.102905>. <hal-03298716>. PDF
G. Moreau, P. Auguste, J.-L. Locht, and M. Patou-Mathis, "Detecting human activity areas in Middle Palaeolithic open-air sites in Northern France from faunal remains spatial distribution," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 40, no. A, pp. 103196, Dec. 2021. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103196>. <hal-03369861>. PDF
S. Müller-Celka, C. Benech, L. Darras, E. Fovet, L. Lespez, C. Parfant, L. Perruchon-Monge, N. Papakonstantinou, M. Pomadère, E. Régagnon, and F. Vautier, "Recherches complémentaires sur l’organisation de la ville minoenne de Malia," Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger, Sep. 2021. <10.4000/baefe.4270>. <halshs-03361387>. PDF
B. Mutaqin, M. A. Marfai, D. S. Hadmoko, F. Lavigne, A. Faral, H. Wijayanti, and W. Riasasi, "Geomorphology of the small island of Tidore and Hiri (North Maluku, Indonesia)," E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 325, pp. 03012, 2021. <10.1051/e3sconf/202132503012>. <hal-03899080>.
B. W. Mutaqin, F. Lavigne, P. Wassmer, M. Trautmann, P. Joyontono, C. Gomez, B. Septiangga, J.-C. Komorowski, J. Sartohadi, and D. S. Hadmoko, "Evidence of Unknown Paleo-Tsunami Events along the Alas Strait, West Sumbawa, Indonesia," Geosciences, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 46, Feb. 2021. <10.3390/geosciences11020046>. <hal-03958458>. PDF
B. Mutaqin, M. A. Marfai, D. S. Hadmoko, H. Wijayanti, F. Lavigne, and A. Faral, "Comparison of DEMs Spatial Resolution for Geomorphological Study in a Small Volcanic Island of Tidore, North Maluku, Indonesia," Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, vol. 40, no. 6, Jun. 2021. <hal-03899333>.
Z. Nougrara, and K. Hachemi, "A new method of drainage network extraction using SAR radar images: a case study of Djanet (Algeria)," Journal of Taibah University for Science, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1101 - 1107, Dec. 2021. <10.1080/16583655.2021.2018816>. <hal-03518942>. PDF
J.-F. Pastre, &. Debard, C. Ferrier, M. Fialin, B. Gély, B. Kervazo, F. Maksud, F. Mokadem, S. Nomade, N. Rividi, and S. Saulnier-Copard, "A cryptotephra from the Upper Pleistocene volcanism of the Bas-Vivarais in the sedimentary infilling of the Chauvet-Pont d'Arc cave (Ardèche, France)," Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 2021. <10.5802/crgeos.52>. <hal-03287568>. PDF
M. Péroche, E. Lagahé, T. Candela, F. Leone, D. Grancher, and M. Robustelli, "L'information géographique et la cartographie au service des retours d'expériences scientifiques pos-catastrophes - Antilles, saison cyclonique 2017," Cartes et géomatiques (revue du CFC), no. 245-246, pp. 141-161, Sep. 2021. <hal-03607820>. PDF
X. Philippenko, L. Goeldner-Gianella, G. Le Cozannet, D. Grancher, and Y. De La Torre, "Perceptions of climate change and adaptation: A subarctic archipelago perspective (Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon, North America)," Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 215, pp. 105924, Dec. 2021. <10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105924>. <hal-03420869>. PDF
L. Purdue, D. Kennet, A. Garnier, A. Parton, H. Djerbi, S. Botan, L. Herveux, G. Davtian, A. Carré, D. Moger, and N. Al-Jahwari, "Ancient agriculture in Southeast Arabia: A three thousand year record of runoff farming from central Oman (Rustaq)," CATENA, vol. 204, pp. 105406, Sep. 2021. <10.1016/j.catena.2021.105406>. <hal-04611320>.
L. Purdue, D. Kennet, A. Garnier, A. Parton, H. Djerbi, S. Botan, L. Herveux, G. Davtian, A. Carré, D. Moger, and N. Al-Jahwari, "Ancient agriculture in Southeast Arabia: A three thousand year record of runoff farming from central Oman (Rustaq)," CATENA, vol. 204, pp. 105406, Sep. 2021. <10.1016/j.catena.2021.105406>. <hal-03257772>.
M. Reghezza-Zitt, A. Latreille, and D. Grancher, "Drinking and sanitary water access resilience in the aftermath of hurricane Irma. Addressing the freshwater supply system post-disaster recovery in Saint-Martin (French West Indies), September 2017," Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography, Mar. 2021. <10.4000/cybergeo.37279>. <hal-03321447>.
M. Reghezza-Zitt, F. Benitez, and M. H. Devès, "Living with risk or with disaster memory? The 1976’s eruption of the Guadeloupe Soufrière," VertigO : La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l'Environnement, vol. 20, no. 3, 2021. <10.4000/vertigo.28911>. <hal-03992927>. PDF
W. Riasasi, M. A. Marfai, B. Mutaqin, D. S. Hadmoko, F. Lavigne, A. Faral, and H. Wijayanti, "Assessment of Social Vulnerability to Kiematubu Volcano in Tidore Island, North Maluku," E3S Web of Conferences, vol. 325, pp. 03011, 2021. <10.1051/e3sconf/202132503011>. <hal-03889257>.
J.-F. Ritz, S. Baize, L. Audin, C. Authemayou, F. Graveleau, C. Kaub, P. Lacan, F. Leclerc, C. Larroque, K. Manchuel, J.-L. Mugnier, M. Ortuño, M. Rizza, R. Vassallo, P. Antoine, P. Arroucau, J. Billant, L. Bollinger, M. Ferry, C. Fillon, H. Jomard, M. Ferry, J.-L. Locht, S. Migeon, C. Perrin, J. Perrot, G. Ratzov, K. Reicherter, O. Soubigou, C. Vergniault, M. Viaplana-Muzas, and J. Van Der Woerd, "New perspectives in studying active faults in metropolitan France: the "Active faults France" (FACT/ATS) research axis from the Resif-Epos consortium," Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, vol. 353, no. S1, pp. 381-412, Dec. 2021. <10.5802/crgeos.98>. <hal-03546364>. PDF
K. H. Stadelmaier, P. Ludwig, P. Bertran, P. Antoine, X. Shi, G. Lohmann, and J. G. Pinto, "A new perspective on permafrost boundaries in France during the Last Glacial Maximum," Climate of the Past, vol. 17, pp. 2559 - 2576, Dec. 2021. <10.5194/cp-17-2559-2021>. <hal-03498625>. PDF
D. Verfaillie, J. Charton, I. Schimmelpfennig, Z. Stroebele, V. Jomelli, F. Bétard, V. Favier, J. Cavero, E. Berthier, H. Goosse, V. Rinterknecht, C. Legentil, R. Charrassin, G. Aumaître, D. Bourles, and K. Keddadouche, "Evolution of the Cook Ice Cap (Kerguelen Islands) between the last centuries and 2100 ce based on cosmogenic dating and glacio-climatic modelling," Antarctic Science, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 301-317, Apr. 2021. <10.1017/S0954102021000080>. <hal-03226107>. PDF
D. Wolf, F. J. García-Tortosa, C. Richter, J. Dabkowski, C. B. Roettig, and D. Faust, "Holocene landscape evolution in the Baza Basin (SE-Spain) as indicated by fluvial dynamics of the Galera River," Quaternary Science Advances, Oct. 2021. <10.1016/j.qsa.2021.100030>. <hal-03365989>. PDF
P. Wuscher, F. Bachellerie, S. Diemer, H. Koehler, S. Griselin, S. Goudissard, M. Fabre, A. Pracht, N. Schneider, E. Boës, and O. Moine, "Du nouveau à l’Est : les recherches récentes sur le Paléolithique en Alsace menées dans le cadre du PCR PaléoEls," Revue archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial, vol. 36, pp. 305-320, 2021. <hal-03676871>.

Autre publication


S. Chapkanski, M. Le Doaré, O. Barge, and E. Régagnon, "La Spectroscopie Infrarouge révèle l’origine des sédiments de la plaine de Jalès (Berrias, Ardèche)," unpublished, Apr. 2021. <10.58079/bd0o>. <halshs-03189855>.
&. Daudé, A. Cebeillac, D. Grancher, F. Lavigne, and O. Gillet, "Éruption à Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines : gérer une évacuation en temps de pandémie," unpublished, Apr. 2021. <hal-04108131>.
D. Mercier, "Recension de l’ouvrage de Johnny DOUVINET, 2020. Alerter la population face aux crues rapides. Compréhension d’un processus en mutation, Éditions Quæ, 254 p.," unpublished, Jun. 2021, pp. 58. <hal-03307135>.
D. Mercier, "Recension de l'ouvrage de Pierre Aurégan et Jan Borm (2021), Malaurie, Editions de l'Herne, Paris, 272 p.," unpublished, Oct. 2021. <hal-03389570>.
D. Mercier, "Recension de l'ouvrage ''Scotland’s Mountain Landscapes. A geomorphological perspective'' de C.K. Ballantyne," unpublished, Jun. 2021, pp. htts:// <hal-03249973>.

Communication dans un congrès


M. Abdulkarim, S. Chapkanski, D. Ertlen, C. Rambeau, L. Schmitt, L. Le Bouteiller, and F. Preusser, "Provenance Determination of Paleochannel Infillings in the Alsatian Upper Rhine Floodplain Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy-Discriminant Analysis," in The EGU General Assembly, On line, Austria, Apr. 2021. <hal-03216369>.
M. Abdulkarim, C. Rambeau, L. Schmitt, F. Salomon, D. Erteln, S. Chapkanski, and F. Preusser, "Holocene Fluvial Dynamics in the Central Alsatian Upper Rhine Alluvial Plain, NE France," in Annual meeting of the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA) 2021, Virtual, Germany, Sep. 2021. <halshs-03400891>.
G. Aline, A. Mayor, J. Vieugué, V. Fichet, L. De Milleville, M. Regert, D. Léa, and A. Mazuy, "The use of phytoliths analysis for the interpretation of the content of pottery : an exploratory study of african ethnographic samples," in EAA - IMPR, Kiel, Germany, Sep. 2021. <hal-03888561>.
V. Ard, M. Onfray, P. Maguer, P. Pérez, D. Aoustin, F. Daniel, A. Dufraisse, S. Granai, and V. Mathé, "Vivre au temps des bâtisseurs de mégalithes : les maisons néolithiques du Peu à Charmé (Charente). Des données de terrain aux propositions de restitutions," in 29e Congrès Préhistorique de France. Hiatus, lacunes et absences : identifier et interpréter les vides archéologiques, Toulouse, France, May. 2021. <mnhn-03425829>.
J.-J. Bahain, C. Falguères, O. Tombret, S. Nomade, M. A. Kharazian, P. Antoine, G. Jamet, M. Hashemi, H. V. Nasab, and G. Berillon, "ESR/U-series dating of the palaeoanthropological site of Qaleh Kurd, Iran - preliminary results," in 19ème colloque de l’UISPP (colloque on line), Meknès, Morocco, Sep. 2021. <mnhn-03977552>.
E. Basquin, D. Mercier, and A. Creach, "Cartographier la vulnérabilité de la côte méditerranéenne du Maroc face au risque de tsunami : enjeux et perspectives," in Les risques littoraux, Paris, France, Mar. 2021. <hal-03426406>.
E. Bukowiecki, J.-P. Goiran, S. Chapkanski, J. Cocquyt, M. Silvestri, M. Lo Blundo, and C. Genovese, "Nuovi dati e nuovo approccio sulla geomorfologia di Portus," in Settimo Seminario Ostiense (18-19 ottobre 2021) -- Ostia, Porto e oltre: sguardi incrociati. Ricerche pluridisciplinari sui porti romani, Rome, Italy, Oct. 2021. <halshs-03401091>.
C. Castanet, A. Fernandes, L. Dussol, E. Dautriche, A. Garnier, M. Testé, J. Cavero, C. Hatté, L. Purdue, A.-L. Develle-Vincent, F. Mokadem, E. Lemonnier, G. Sipos, C. Virmoux, and P. Nondédéo, "Nature, exploitation et gestion de la ressource édaphique dans les Basses Terre mayas : cas de l’agrosystème des bajos du territoire de Naachtun au Préclassique et au Classique (Petén, Guatemala)," in Journées ''L’archéopédologie : une approche interdisciplinaire des interactions sols/sociétés'', Nanterre, France, Nov. 2021. <hal-03511602>.
L. Castellano, D. Campana, P. Crabtree, A. Gürel, and C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "A diachronic view on the Anatolian landscape," in International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (12th ICAANE), Bologna (ITALY), Italy, Apr. 2021. <hal-03942010>.
S. Chapkanski, "Utilisation de la SMIR pour le traçage de la provenance des matériaux de construction et des sédiments naturels en contexte archéologique," in Séminaire de recherche du laboratoire Archéorient, Lyon, France, Feb. 2021. <halshs-03189891>.
J. Charton, V. Jomelli, I. Schimmelpfennig, D. Verfaillie, V. Favier, G. Delpech, R. Braucher, P.-H. Blard, V. Rinterknecht, D. Guillaume, C. Legentil, and A. Team, "L'oscillation des glaciers sur l'Archipel des Kerguelen au cours du Tardiglaciaire et de l'Holocène à partir de datations cosmogéniques," in 27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST 2021), Lyon, France, Nov. 2021. <hal-03419277>.
J. Dabkowski, M.-C. Jolly-Saad, N. Limondin-Lozouet, D. Hérisson, P. Antoine, L. Beaumont, C. Falguères, D. Fiorillo, G. Jamet, N. Sévêque, and O. Tombret, "Réhabilitation d’un site à fort potentiel archéologique du Paléolithique moyen : Back to Resson (Aube)," in Journée de l'Archéologie en Champagne-Ardenne, Châlons-en-Champagne, France, Dec. 2021. <hal-03626347>.
J. Dabkowski, G. Dandurand, N. Limondin-Lozouet, A. Gauthier, S. Vinai, D. Fiorillo, V. Fichet, L. Beaumont, and M. Biard, "Cadre paleoenvironnemental et paléoclimatique des occupations du Paléolithique supérieur et du Mésolithique : approche malacologique et géochimique combinée de la séquence de tuf de l'Ilôt Renaudin à Angoulême," in 41e Rencontres d'Histoire et d'Archéologie de Nice Côte d'Azur, Nice, France, Oct. 2021. <hal-03380348>.
L. De Milleville, F. Gob, N. Thommeret, L. Lespez, E. Tales, A. Zahm, and M. Girondin, "Hétérogénéité de la réponse hydromorphologique d’un petit cours d’eau francilien à l’urbanisation de son bassin," in Colloque du Piren Seine 2021, Paris, France, Oct. 2021. <hal-03903945>.
T. Douillard, L. Goeldner-Gianella, and F. Pratlong, "The future of sea and river dikes in France, in the 21st century, between doing nothing, enhancing, reopening, relocating and revegetating: what perception of inhabitants and users?," in At what point managed retreat?", Columbia Climate School, Earth Institute, New-York, United States, Jun. 2021. <hal-03794886>.
L. Dussol, B. Vannière, L. Purdue, C. Castanet, F. Orange, M. Testé, E. Lemonnier, A. Garnier, and I. Théry-Parisot, "Fuel and fire in pre-Columbian agroforestry: the Maya Lowland site of Naachtun, Guatemala," in Historical Ecology for the Future, International Conference, Metz, France, May. 2021. <hal-03509124>.
A. Faral, F. Lavigne, B. Mutaqin, F. Mokadem, R. Achmad, P. Lahitte, D. S. Hadmoko, and E. T. W. Mei, "Volcanic risks on Ternate and Tidore islands (North Maluku, Indonesia)," in Interpretations of risks in contemporary Southeast Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, Sep. 2021. <hal-03899227>.
A. Faral, F. Lavigne, B. Mutaqin, F. Mokadem, R. Achmad, P. Lahitte, R. W. Ningrum, D. S. Hadmoko, and E. T. W. Mei, "Reconstruction of the 22,000-year paleoenvironmental history on the islands of Tidore and Ternate in North Maluku (Indonesia)," in Journée des Jeunes Géomorphologues (JJG), Brest, France, Jun. 2021. <hal-03899295>.
K. Giraud, E. Cariou, A. Creach, and A. Baltzer, "Le projet ODySéYeu : une démarche collaborative pour croiser les regards citoyens et optimiser la gestion des risques côtiers à l’échelle locale," in Séance de l’Association de Géographes Français (AGF) " Les risques littoraux ", Paris, France, Mar. 2021. <hal-03544297>.
F. Gob, M. Muntoni, and M.-A. Germaine, "Enjeux de la restauration écologique dans le bassin de la Seine.," in Journée de la Zone Atelier Seine 2021, Paris, France, Oct. 2021. <hal-03903955>.
F. Graveleau, P. Antoine, H. Jomard, T. Camelbeeck, T. Lecocq, K. Manchuel, O. Averbuch, A. Laurent, F. Meilliez, L. Beccaletto, F. Chanier, L. Watremez, V. Gaullier, M. Laurencin, A. Duperret, S. Vandycke, P. Arroucau, F. Bergerat, J. Locht, F. Graveleau, P. Antoine, H. Jomard, T. Camelbeeck, T. Lecocq, K. Manchuel, O. Averbuch, A. Laurent, F. Meilliez, L. Beccaletto, F. Chanier, L. Watremez, V. Gaullier, M. Laurencin, A. Duperret, S. Vandycke, P. Arroucau, F. Bergerat, and J. Locht, "Activities of the RESIF-ATS-FACT group for Northern France region to improve the knowledge on potential active faults.," in Colloque GHYMANCHE, Wimereux, France, Oct. 2021. <hal-03980090>.
A. Gürel, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and J.-P. Dumoulin, "Geological, mineralogical and geochemical records from fluvio-lacustrine fills in the Ere\u gli Basin, Central Turkey," in Arabian Journal of Geosciences 4th Annual Meeting (CAJG), ISTANBUL, Turkey, Nov. 2021. <hal-03941962>.
V. Jomelli, J. Charton, I. Schimmelpfennig, D. Verfaillie, V. Favier, F. Mokadem, A. Gilbert, F. Brun, G. Aumaître, D. L. Bourlès, K. Keddadouche, and T. Aster, "Evolution of a debris-covered glacier in the Kerguelen Archipelago (49°S, 69°E) over the past 15,000 years constrained by in situ cosmogenic 36Cl dating," in EGU General Assembly 2021, Vienna (online), Austria, Apr. 2021. <10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13304>. <hal-03419269>.
H. Kern, V. Jomelli, N. Eckert, and D. Grancher, "Testing the influence of snow and meteorological conditions on snow avalanche deposit volumes," in 23rd EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2021. <10.5194/egusphere-egu21-10762>. <hal-03872390>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "Climate and human societies, from one crisis to the next: differences and similarities, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages in central Anatolia," in Crises, Collapse and Change in the Occupation Patterns of the Caucasus during the Holocene. Environmental and Human Factor, Paris Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France, Nov. 2021. <hal-03942109>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "Climate and human societies, from one crisis to the next: differences and similarities," in Crises, collapse and change in the occupation patterns of the Caucasus during the Holocene: environmental and human factors, Paris, France, Nov. 2021. <hal-03940174>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "Reflections about the 3.2ky BP in Central Anatolia," in Crises, Collapse and Change in the Occupation Patterns of the Caucasus during the Holocene. Environmental and Human Factor, Paris (Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle), France, Nov. 2021. <hal-03941974>.
F. Lavigne, J. Morin, P. Wassmer, O. Weller, T. Kula, A. V. Maea, K. Kelfoun, F. Mokadem, R. Paris, M. N. Malawani, M. Benbakkar, S. Saulnier-Copard, C. M. Vidal, T. Tu’i’afitu, F. Kitekei’aho, and C. Gomez, "The kingdom of Tonga devastated by a megatsunami in the mid-15th century," in EGU-European Geophysical Union 2021, Wien, Austria, Austria, Apr. 2021. <hal-03884000>.
D. Mercier, "Les littoraux face aux assauts de la mer : comment la géographie peut aussi servir à sauver des vies humaines," in Les risques littoraux, Paris, France, Mar. 2021. <hal-03426393>.
E. Mesmin, E. Gautier, G. Arnaud‑fassetta, and S.-C. Ségolène, "Analyse des interrelations entre crise hydrologique et fait urbain portuaire en Loire bourbonnaise et nivernaise depuis le Moyen Âge : nouvelles approches méthodologiques," in Doctoriales en Sciences Sociales de l'eau, Châteauroux, France, Sep. 2021. <hal-03877723>.
E. Mesmin, T. Depret, and E. Gautier, "Utilisation des scories métalliques pour l’estimation de la vitesse de la charge de fond d'une rivière de faible énergie sur le temps long. Effets de la forme et de la densité des scories et enseignements pour la restauration des rivières," in Journée des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Brest, France, Jun. 2021. <hal-03877637>.
P. Nondédéo, C. Castanet, E. Lemonnier, L. Purdue, L. Dussol, M. Testé, J. Hiquet, and A. Dorison, "Landscape, Settlement Patterns, and Agrarian Strategies: The Case of Naachtun and its Hinterland During the Preclassic and the Classic Periods," in Ancient Maya Agriculture, From Practice to Mythology - 26th European Maya Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, Dec. 2021. <hal-03511596>.
M. Pagli, L. Vallin, L. Deschodt, P. Auguste, and J. Cuvelier, "Limon jaune, limon gris, limon panaché et quelques éclats de silex… : les origines de la Préhistoire dans le Nord et le Pas-de-Calais," in Préhistoire et anthropologie entre science, philosophie, politique et internationalisme. A propos de Gabriel de Mortillet, Saint-Germain-en-Laye/Paris, France, Nov. 2021. <hal-03933812>.
F. Peudon, A. Lamotte, P. Antoine, A. Tuffreau, P. Auguste, and A.-M. Moigne, "Step by step analysis of a stepped river terrace site: new results from the Acheulean site of Cagny-l’Épinette (Somme Valley, France)," in Prehistoric occupations on river archives, Meknès, Morocco, Sep. 2021. <hal-04427539>.
L. Purdue, L. Dussol, T. Blasco, M. Maryline, M. Testé, L. Jacob, C. Castanet, A. Garnier, E. Lemonnier, and P. Nondédéo, "Identification et caractérisation des paysages agricoles " urbains " en milieu tropical (Naachtun, Basses Terres Mayas, Guatemala)," in Journées ''L’archéopédologie : une approche interdisciplinaire des interactions sols/sociétés'', Nanterre, France, Nov. 2021. <hal-03511599>.
M. Saadi, A. Cheikh Larafa, F. Gob, L. Oudin, and P. Brigode, "Geomorphological alteration of urban rivers assessed by hydrological modelling," in 4es Rencontres HydroGR, Antony, France, Dec. 2021. <hal-03537380>. PDF
N. Tomadini, S. Grouard, P. Nondedeo, J. Sion, C. Castanet, J. Cotom Nimatuj, and J. Sion, "Explotación de la fauna de vertebrados En Naachtun (Petén, Guatemala) durante el periodo clásico (150- 1000 d. C.): primeros datos arqueozoológicos," in Quarta Reunião Acadêmica do NZWG-ICAZ, Zooarqueologia, sociedades tradicionales, biodiversidad y cambios climaticos : integrando perspectivas entre pasado y futuro, en homenage a Luz Segura, Session 3. Diversidad espacial y temporal en el aprovechamiento de la fauna neotropical., Recife, Brazil, Brazil, Oct. 2021. <hal-04039944>.
A. Tomasso, C. Bressy-Leandri, D. Binder, V. Delvigne, P. Fernandes, C. Tufféry, P. Allard, T. Aubry, A. Beeching, V. Blouet, C. Borgnon, F. Bostyn, J. L. Brochier, J.-P. Collin, V. Brunet, C. Ghuilhem, and S. Coutard, "Les lithothèques de silicites en France, de la collecte à la constitution d’un outil pour la recherche," in Collecter, collectionner, conserver, Nantes, France, May. 2021. <hal-04205461>.
D. Verfaillie, J. Charton, I. Schimmelpfennig, Z. Stroebele, V. Jomelli, F. Bétard, V. Favier, J. Cavero, E. Berthier, H. Goosse, V. Rinterknecht, C. Legentil, and R. Charrassin, "Evolution au cours des derniers siècles et future de la calotte Cook aux Iles Kerguelen: datations cosmogéniques et modélisation glaciologique," in 27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Lyon, France, Nov. 2021. <hal-03419278>.
Q. Wackenheim, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Dabkowski, D. Wolf, and D. Faust, "Analyse paléoenvironnementale d’un épisode de travertinisation s.l. durant l’Holocène moyen du SE de l’Espagne (Galera, Andalousie, Espagne) : apport des mollusques continentaux à la compréhension de la formation des tufs.," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Brest, France, Jun. 2021. <hal-03701910>.
J.-J. Bahain, S. Farkh, C. Falguères, Q. Shao, P. Voinchet, B. Ghaleb, D. Hérisson, J.-L. Locht, N. Limondin-Lozouet, P. Auguste, J. Dabkowski, L. Deschodt, and P. Antoine, "ESR/U-series dating Eemian human occupations of Northern France," in 16th International Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating conference (LED2021), Burgos, Spain, Sep. 2021. <hal-03354044>. PDF
M. A. Kharazian, P. Antoine, J.-J. Bahain, X. Gallet, S. M. Hashemi, G. Jamet, S. Puaud, H. V. Nasab, and G. Berillon, "The Paleolithic cave of Qaleh Kurd (Qazvin, IRAN): geoarchaeological study by using micromorphology and physical-chemical analysis," in 2d International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, Gorgan, Iran, Sep. 2021. <mnhn-04058447>.
L. Le Rouzic, B. Gervais, J.-F. Breilh, and A. Creach, "Mesure de la vulnérabilité des constructions résidentielles face au risque de submersion marine : proposition pour un outil opérationnel," in SAGEO'2021, La Rochelle, France, May. 2021. <hal-03544289>.
N. Thommeret, D. Grancher, A. Dousseron, D. Brunstein, and C. Virmoux, "L’état des piscines, construction d’un indicateur de la reprise du tourisme en situation post-catastrophe. L’île de Saint-Martin après le passage du cyclone Irma (sept 2017)," in SAGEO. International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics, La Rochelle, France, May. 2021. <hal-03818449>.
Q. Wackenheim, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and J. Dabkowski, "Du tuf et des coquilles : reconstitution croisée des paléoclimats et des paléoenvironnements holocènes," in Rencontres Internationales d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de Nice Côte d’Azur, Nice, France, Oct. 2021. <hal-03887650>.

Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)


M. Cohen, and C. Giusti, Milieux extrêmes et critiques face au changement climatique, SORBONNE UNIVERSITE PRESSES, Jun. 2021. <hal-03326382>.
D. Mercier, Spatial impacts of Climate Change, ISTE & WILEY, Apr. 2021, pp. 332. <hal-03205957>.
D. Mercier, Les impacts spatiaux du changement climatique, ISTE, Jan. 2021, pp. 334. <hal-03082208>.



S. Davidoux, "The Falémé River landscapes during the Late Quaternary : paleoenvironmental analyse of a rich archaeological area in the Sudanian zone of West Africa.," M.S. thesis, Jan. 2021. <tel-03644450>. PDF