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Publications 2017

Article dans une revue


E. Akköprü, D. Mouralis, A.-K. Robin, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and K. M. Erturaç, "The Importance of the Geomorphological and Volcanological Indicators in Determining Obsidian Source Areas," Geological Bulletin of Turkey (Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni), vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 49-61, Jan. 2017. <hal-02294539>.
A. Beauchamp, L. Lespez, and D. Delahaye, "Impacts of hydraulic installations on Normandy rivers for 2000 years, first results of a geomorphological and geoarchaeological approach in the middle of the Seulles valley," Quaternaire, no. vol. 28/2, pp. 253 - 258, May. 2017. <10.4000/quaternaire.8153>. <hal-01739215>.
A. Beauchamp, L. Lespez, A.-J. Rollet, C. Germain-Vallée, and D. Delahaye, "Les transformations anthropiques d’un cours d’eau de faible énergie et leurs conséquences, approche géomorphologique et géoarchéologique dans la moyenne vallée de la Seulles, Normandie," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 121-138, Jun. 2017. <10.4000/geomorphologie.11702>. <hal-01558342>.
P. Bertran, E. Andrieux, P. Antoine, L. Deschodt, M. Font, and D. Sicilia, "Pleistocene Involutions and Patterned Ground in France: Examples and Analysis Using a GIS Database," Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 710 - 725, Oct. 2017. <10.1002/ppp.1957>. <hal-01689583>.
E. Biçakçi, A. M. Büyükkarakaya, K. Erturaç, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, Y. G. çakan, and A. Vinet, "The Tepecik-Ciftlik archaeological excavations of the Prehistoric Melendiz Research Programme, 2016 activity report," Anatolia antiqua = Eski anadolu, no. XXV, pp. 71-94, May. 2017. <10.4000/anatoliaantiqua.443>. <hal-03915908>. PDF
G.-D. Caroline, L. Emma, L. Drapier, and H. Kristen, "Centring fish agency in coastal dam removal and river restoration," Water alternatives, vol. 10, no. 3, 2017. <hal-01857940>.
Y. Chabot, N. Limondin-Lozouet, Y. Le Drezen, D. Perret, A. Garnier, H. Surachman, and I. M. Geria, "Interactions hommes-milieux en zone humide côtière tropicale : la séquence holocène du site de Kota Cina (Sumatra Nord, Indonésie)," Quaternaire, vol. vol. 28, no. n° 3, pp. 353-372, 2017. <10.4000/quaternaire.8287>. <halshs-02526043>.
F. Colas, J.-M. Baudoin, F. Gob, V. Tamisier, L. Valette, K. Kreutzenberger, D. Lambrigot, and E. Chauvet, "Scale dependency in the hydromorphological control of a stream ecosystem functioning," Water Research, vol. 115, pp. 60-73, 2017. <10.1016/j.watres.2017.01.061>. <hal-01522441>. PDF
S. Cordier, K. Adamson, M. Delmas, M. Calvet, and D. Harmand, "Of ice and water: Quaternary fluvial response to glacial forcing," Quaternary Science Reviews, Jun. 2017. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.02.006>. <hal-01515772>.
S. Cordier, B. Briant, D. Bridgland, J. Herget, D. Maddy, A. Mather, and J. Vandenberghe, "The Fluvial Archives Group: 20 Years of Research Connecting Fluvial Geomorphology and Palaeoenvironments," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 166, pp. 1--9, 2017. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.03.001>. <hal-02477271>.
F. Costard, A. Séjourné, K. Kelfoun, S. M. Clifford, F. Lavigne, I. Di Pietro, and S. Bouley, "Modeling tsunami propagation and the emplacement of thumbprint in an early Mars ocean," Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, vol. 122, no. 3, pp. 122(3):633-649 (IF 3,11)., 2017. <10.1002/2016JE005230>. <hal-01520508>. PDF
C. Coussot, and M. Liard, "Development of a chronostratigraphic framework for the Pleistocene of the Region Centre-Val de Loire (France): presentation of the research project and first results," Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France, vol. 56, Apr. 2017. <hal-01796997>.
E. Defive, J. Berger, A. Poiraud, A. Barra, E. Bouvard, C. Virmoux, O. Voldoire, A. Garreau, Y. Miras, A. Beauger, M. Cabanis, Y. Gunnell, R. Braucher, A. Dendievel, S. Nomade, V. Delvigne, A. Lafarge, R. Liabeuf, H. Guillou, and J.-P. Raynal, "Les flux hydro-sédimentaires dans le bassin supérieur du fleuve Loire (Massif Central, France) au cours des trois derniers millénaires : archives séquentielles, chronologie et corrélations régionales," Quaternaire, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 373-388, 2017. <10.4000/quaternaire.8304>. <hal-01670720>. PDF
T. Depret, E. Gautier, J. Hooke, D. Grancher, C. Virmoux, and D. Brunstein, "Causes of Planform Stability of a Low-Energy Meandering Gravel-Bed River (Cher River, France)," Geomorphology, vol. 285, pp. 58--81, 2017. <10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.01.035>. <hal-02477275>.
S. Duroudier, L. Frouillou, B. Le Bigot, A. Oiry, E. Olmedo, E. Toureille, and C. Vergnaud, "Partager des savoir-faire pédagogiques : retours sur l’expérience éditoriale des Feuilles de géographie," Carnets de géographes, no. 10, Sep. 2017. <10.4000/cdg.1146>. <hal-02397146>. PDF
J. Emile-Geay, N. P. Mckay, D. S. Kaufman, L. Von Gunten, J. Wang, K. J. Anchukaitis, N. J. Abram, J. A. Addison, M. A. J. Curran, M. N. Evans, B. J. Henley, Z. Hao, B. Martrat, H. V. Mcgregor, R. Neukom, G. T. Pederson, B. Stenni, K. J. Thirumalai, J. P. Werner, C. Chen, D. V. Divine, B. C. Dixon, J. Gergis, I. A. Mundo, T. Nakatsuka, S. J. Phipps, C. C. Routson, E. J. Steig, J. E. Tierney, J. J. Tyler, K. J. Allen, N. A. N. Bertler, J. Björklund, B. M. Chase, M.-T. Chen, E. Cook, R. De Jong, K. L. Delong, D. A. Dixon, A. A. Ekaykin, V. L. Ersek, H. L. Filipsson, P. Francus, M. B. Freund, M. Frezzotti, N. P. Gaire, K. Gajewski, Q. Ge, H. Goosse, A. Gornostaeva, M. Grosjean, K. Horiuchi, A. Hormes, K. Husum, E. Isaksson, S. Kandasamy, K. Kawamura, K. H. Kilbourne, N. Koç, G. Leduc, H. Linderholm, A. M. Lorrey, V. Mikhalenko, P. G. Mortyn, H. Motoyama, A. D. Moy, R. Mulvaney, P. M. Munz, D. Nash, H. Oerter, T. Thomas, A. J. Orsi, D. V. Ovchinnikov, T. J. Porter, H. A. Roop, C. P. Saenger, M. H. Sano, D. Sauchyn, K. M. Saunders, M.-S. A. Seidenkrantz, M. Severi, X. Shao, M.-A. Sicre, M. Sigl, K. Sinclair, S. St. George, J.-M. St. Jacques, M. Thamban, U. Kuwar Thapa, E. R. Thomas, C. Turney, R. Uemura, A. E. Viau, D. O. Vladimirova, E. R. Wahl, J. W. White, Z. Yu, and J. Zinke, "A global multiproxy database for temperature reconstructions of the Common Era," Scientific Data, vol. 4, pp. 170088, 2017. <10.1038/sdata.2017.88>. <hal-01645001>. PDF
H. Eric, A. Mayor, M. Lorenzo Martinez, A. Jacques, H. Bocoum, C. Abdoulaye, B. Chevrier, A. Garnier, N. Guindo, I. Hajdas, K. G, K. Kaboré, L. Brice, L. Lespez, S. Loukou, N. Mercier, T. Pelmoine, L. Pollarolo, M. Rasse, S. F., C. Tribolo, M. Truffa Giachet, and J. Vieugué, "Milieux et techniques dans la Falémé (Sénégal oriental) et sondages au royaume d’Issiny (Côte d’Ivoire) : résultats de la 19e année du programme ''Peuplement humain et paléoenvironnement en Afrique''," Jahresbericht, vol. 2016, pp. 109-128, 2017. <hal-02535044>.
N. Evelpidou, and P. A. Pirazzoli, "Did the Early Byzantine Tectonic Paroxysm (EBTP) Also Affect the Adriatic Area?," Geomorphology, vol. 295, pp. 827--830, 2017. <10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.08.026>. <hal-02477278>.
O. Franc, O. Moine, A. Fülling, P. Auguste, J.-F. Pasty, P. Gadiolet, V. Gaertner, and V. Robert, "The middle/upper Würmian alluvio-loessic sequences of Quincieux and Lyon (Rhône‑Alpes, France): first palaeoenvironmental interpretations and correlations," Quaternaire, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 423-453, 2017. <10.4000/quaternaire.8453>. <hal-02485777>. PDF
S. Fuchs, A. Shnyparkov, V. Jomelli, N. Kazakov, and S. Sokratov, "Editorial to the special issue on natural hazards and risk research in Russia," Natural Hazards, vol. 88, no. S1, pp. 1-16, Aug. 2017. <10.1007/s11069-017-2976-2>. <hal-02349985>.
M.-A. Germaine, and L. Lespez, "The Failure of the Largest Project to Dismantle Hydroelectric Dams in Europe? (Sélune River, France, 2009-2017)," Water alternatives, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 655-676, 2017. <hal-03384789>. PDF
M. Ghilardi, and L. Lespez, "Geoarchaeology of the Mediterranean islands: From "lost worlds" to vibrant places," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 12, pp. 735 - 740, Feb. 2017. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.02.002>. <hal-01515756>.
L. Goeldner-Gianella, D. Grancher, &. Robertsen, B. Anselme, D. Brunstein, and F. Lavigne, "Perception of the risk of tsunami in a context of high-level risk assessment and management: the case of the fjord Lyngen in Norway," Geoenvironmental Disasters, vol. 4, no. 1, Dec. 2017. <10.1186/s40677-017-0068-y>. <hal-01815470>.
L. Goeldner-Gianella, "Les représentations sociales des zones humides : quel lien avec l'action ? Analyse historique et cas de la dépoldérisation," Sciences Eaux & Territoires, no. 24, pp. 1-6, 2017. <10.14758/SET-REVUE.2017.24.03>. <hal-04012188>. PDF
S. Guillet, C. Corona, M. Stoffel, M. Khodri, F. Lavigne, P. Ortega, N. Eckert, P. D. Sielenou, V. Daux, O. Churakova (sidorova), N. Davi, J.-L. édouard, Y. Zhang, B. H. Luckman, V. S. Myglan, J. Guiot, M. Beniston, V. Masson-Delmotte, and C. Oppenheimer, "Climate response to the Samalas volcanic eruption in 1257 revealed by proxy records," Nature Geoscience, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 123 - 128, 2017. <10.1038/ngeo2875>. <hal-01497225>. PDF
D. S. Hadmoko, F. Lavigne, and G. Samodra, "Application of a Semiquantitative and GIS-Based Statistical Model to Landslide Susceptibility Zonation in Kayangan Catchment, Java, Indonesia," Natural Hazards, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 437--468, 2017. <10.1007/s11069-017-2772-z>. <hal-02477285>.
S. M. Hashemi, H. Vahdati Nasab, G. Berillon, G. Jamet, Q. Azizi, M. Jayez, A. Nateqi, M. Akhavan Kharazian, G. Guérin, M. Heydari, and A. Abdollahi, "The Late Pleistocene in the Northern fringes of Iranian Central Desert and the Formation of Archaeological Sites; Case Study: Mirak, Semnan," Quaternary Journal of Iran (Iranqua), vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 405-430, 2017. <hal-02265405>.
H. Hiden, K. Brotopuspito, D. Sri Hadmoko, F. Lavigne, K. Airaksinen, B. Mutaqin, N. Hananto, L. Handayani, Y. Sudrajat, and W. Suryanto, "The Isopach Mapping of Volcanic Deposits of Mount Samalas 1257 AD Based on the Values of Resistivity and Physical Properties," Geosciences, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 67, 2017. <10.3390/geosciences7030067>. <hal-02476153>.
V. Jomelli, F. Mokadem, I. Schimmelpfennig, E. Chapron, V. Rinterknecht, V. Favier, D. Verfaillie, D. Brunstein, C. Legentil, E. Michel, D. Swingedouw, A. Jaouen, G. Aumaitre, D. Bourles, and K. Keddadouche, "Sub-Antartic glacier extensions in the Kerguelen region (49° S, Indian Ocean) over the past 24 000 years constrained by 36Cl moraine dating," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 162, pp. 128-144, 2017. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.03.010>. <hal-01513579>. PDF
V. Jomelli, L. Martin, P. Blard, V. Favier, M. Vuille, and J. M. Ceballos, "Revisiting the andean tropical glacier behavior during the Antarctic cold reversal," Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 629, Sep. 2017. <10.18172/cig.3201>. <hal-02349986>.
T. Kolb, M. Fuchs, O. Moine, and L. Zöller, "Quaternary river terraces and hillslope sediments as archives for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: new insights from the headwaters of the Main River, Germany," Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 53 - 76, Apr. 2017. <10.1127/zfg\_suppl/2016/0339>. <hal-01520899>.
B. Lebrun, C. Tribolo, B. Chevrier, L. Lespez, M. Rasse, A. Camara, N. Mercier, and &. Huysecom, "Chronologie du Paléolithique ouest africain : premières datations OSL de la Vallée de la Falémé (Sénégal)," L'anthropologie, vol. 121, no. 1-2, pp. 1-8, May. 2017. <10.1016/j.anthro.2017.03.001>. <hal-03723842>.
C. Leroyer, G. Barracand, C. Coussot, E. Werthe, G. Hulin, F. Jude, C. Leduc, and G. Allenet De Ribemont, "Nouvelles données sur le paysage végétal de la moyenne vallée de l’Oise au subboréal : l’étude de la séquence organique de Thourotte (Oise, France)," Quaternaire, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 471-489, 2017. <10.4000/quaternaire.8469>. <hal-01713059>.
N. Limondin-Lozouet, "\guillemotleft l'assemblage à Lyrodiscus \guillemotright,Marqueur Paléoenvironnementalet Biostratigraphique Des Formations Du SIM 11 En Europe Du Nord-Ouest," Quaternaire, no. vol. 28/2, pp. 231--238, 2017. <10.4000/quaternaire.8135>. <hal-02476176>.
N. Limondin-Lozouet, V. Villa, A. Pereira, S. Nomade, J.-J. Bahain, E. Stoetzel, D. Aureli, and E. Nicoud, "Middle Pleistocene molluscan fauna from the Valle Giumentina (Abruzzo, Central Italy): Palaeoenvironmental, biostratigraphical and biogeographical implications," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 156, pp. 135 - 149, 2017. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.11.029>. <hal-01584175>.
A. Liotard, L. Goeldner-Gianella, D. Grancher, and F. Lavigne, "La perception du risque tsunami à Sines, Portugal: de l'importance du paysage dans la perception sociale du risque," Finisterra, pp. vol. 52 n.\textordmasculine 105 (2017), 2017. <10.18055/FINIS8561>. <hal-02476177>.
P. D. Mannion, R. Allain, and O. Moine, "The earliest known titanosauriform sauropod dinosaur and the evolution of Brachiosauridae," PeerJ, vol. 5, May. 2017. <10.7717/peerj.3217>. <hal-01520897>.
O. Moine, P. Antoine, C. Hatté, A. Landais, J. Mathieu, C. Prud'homme, and D.-D. Rousseau, "The impact of Last Glacial climate variability in west-European loess revealed by radiocarbon dating of fossil earthworm granules," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 114, no. 24, pp. 6209-6214, 2017. <10.1073/pnas.1614751114>. <hal-01606544>. PDF
P. Neaud, M.-C. Charbonnier, S. Willems, J.-H. Yvinec, B. Jagou, C. Cammas, S. Coubray, and L. Deschodt, "Sains-du-Nord (Nord): a Roman agglomeration, \textlessi\textgreaternerviorum civitas\textless/i\textgreater," Gallia - Archéologie des Gaules, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 131-167, 2017. <10.4000/gallia.2184>. <hal-01990184>. PDF
S. Nomade, J.-F. Pastre, A. Pereira, A. Courtin-Nomade, and V. Scao, "New 40 Ar/ 39 Ar constraints for the "Grande Nappe": The largest rhyolitic eruption from the Mont-Dore Massif (French Massif Central)," Comptes Rendus Géoscience, vol. 349, no. 2, pp. 71-80, 2017. <10.1016/j.crte.2017.02.003>. <hal-01515754>. PDF
C. Paris, &. Deneuve, J.-P. Fagnart, P. Coudret, P. Antoine, C. Peschaux, J. Lacarrière, S. Coutard, O. Moine, and G. Guérin, "Premières observations sur le gisement gravettien à statuettes féminines d'Amiens-Renancourt 1 (Somme)," Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, vol. 114, no. 3, pp. 423-444, Jul. 2017. <10.3406/bspf.2017.14801>. <hal-02056808>. PDF
M. Reghezza-Zitt, "Penser la vulnérabilité dans un contexte de globalisation des risques grâce aux échelles spatiales et temporelles," Espace Populations Sociétés, no. 2016/3, 2017. <10.4000/eps.6641>. <hal-02476188>.
L. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, M. Jiménez-Sánchez, M. J. Domínguez-Cuesta, V. Rinterknecht, R. Pallas, G. Aumaitre, D. Bourles, and K. Keddadouche, "Timing of last deglaciation in the Cantabrian Mountains (Iberian Peninsula; North Atlantic Region) based on in situ-produced 10 Be exposure dating," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 171, pp. 166 - 181, Sep. 2017. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.07.012>. <hal-01690049>.
D.-D. Rousseau, N. Boers, A. Sima, A. Svensson, M. Bigler, F. Lagroix, S. Taylor, and P. Antoine, "(MIS3 & 2) Millennial Oscillations in Greenland Dust and Eurasian Aeolian Records \textendash A Paleosol Perspective," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 169, pp. 99--113, 2017. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.05.020>. <hal-02477301>.
Q. Wackenheim, "Ecological analysis of the malacofauna of an anthropogenically modified environment: the ''parc des Beaumonts'' in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis, France)," MalaCo : Le journal de malacologie continentale, vol. 13, pp. 11 - 17, 2017. <hal-02529954>. PDF
J. Wattez, M. Onfray, and C. Coussot, "Geoarchaeology of Mesolithic Deep Pits: What Were these Features Used for?," Séances de la Société préhistorique française, vol. 12, pp. 87-98, 2017. <hal-01897971>. PDF
T. S. White, D. R. Bridgland, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and D. C. Schreve, "Fossils from Quaternary Fluvial Archives: Sources of Biostratigraphical, Biogeographical and Palaeoclimatic Evidence," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 166, pp. 150--176, 2017. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.04.016>. <hal-02477305>.

Communication dans un congrès


P. Antoine, P. Auguste, A. Lamotte, B. Masson, and L. Vallin, "A pierre fendre, manifestations du gel sur le site moustérien de Corbehem (Pas-de-Calais)," in Journée d’étude en hommage au professeur Jean Sommé " Les plaines du nord de la France et leur bordure ", Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Oct. 2017. <hal-02868687>.
A. Beauchamp, L. Lespez, A.-J. Rollet, C. Germain-Vallée, and D. Delahaye, "Anthropogenic transformations of low energy rivers in Normandy; geomorphological legacy of an historical management of the Seulles river.," in 9th International Conference on Geomorphology of the International Association of Geomorphologists ICG 2017, New Delhi, India, Nov. 2017. <hal-01739453>.
O. Brun, H.-G. Naton, L. Brou, C. Schaal, and G. Jamet, "" L’occasion fait le larron " : pour une meilleure intégration du potentiel documentaire des diagnostics archéologiques " négatifs " réalisés en contexte de plaine alluviale," in Le diagnostic comme outil de recherche : 2e séminaire scientifique et technique de l'Inrap, Caen, France, Sep. 2017, pp. 14. <10.34692/0728-5826>. <hal-03216715>. PDF
T. Bulteau, A. N. Lerma, S. Elineau, F. Paris, and R. Pedreros, "Framing 100-year marine submersion hazard resulting from the propagation of 100-year joint hydrodynamic conditions," in Third international conference on Advances in Extreme Value Analysis and Application to Natural Hazard (EVAN), Southampton, United Kingdom, Sep. 2017. <hal-01549222>. PDF
M.-F. Creusillet, R. Irribarria, S. Coubray, C. Coussot, M.-F. Dietsch-Sellami, C. Hamon, Y. Pailler, and J. Wattez, "A new site from the end of the Linear Pottery Culture to the west of the Paris Basin: Voves "Le Bois Paillet" (Eure-et-Loir)," in 32e colloque interrégional sur le Néolithique, Le Mans, France, Nov. 2017, pp. 407-424. <hal-03461861>.
R. De Matos-Machado, J.-P. Amat, G. Arnaud-Fasseta, F. Betard, C. Bilodeau, S. Jacquemot, and J.-P. Toumazet, "Anthropogenic landforms of warfare origin and their ecological significance: the Verdun Forest, NE France," in European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienne, Austria, Apr. 2017. <hal-01628151>.
R. De Matos-Machado, J.-P. Amat, G. Arnaud-Fassetta, F. Betard, C. Bilodeau, S. Jacquemot, and J.-P. Toumazet, "Cartographie et typologie des polémoformes de la forêt domaniale de Verdun à l’aide du traitement semi-automatisé de données LiDAR," in Journée des jeunes géomorphologues, Paris, France, Jan. 2017. <hal-01628176>.
S. Dupré, G. Michel, C. Pierre, L. Ruffine, C. Scalabrin, A. Ehrhold, B. Loubrieu, E. Gautier, A. Baltzer, P. Imbert, A. Battani, E. Deville, P. Dupont, Y. Thomas, and E. Théreau, "Long-lasting Microbial Methane Release at the Aquitaine Shelf Break (Bay of Biscay): Relation with the (Plio)-Pleistocene Sedimentary Progradation of the Continental Margin," in American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, United States, Dec. 2017. <hal-02391748>.
H. Eric, H. Bocoum, D. Katja, M. Ndiaye, A. Mayor, M. Rasse, L. Lespez, C. Tribolo, and I. Hajdas, "La vallée de la Falémé (Sénégal oriental): une histoire du peuplement aussi ancienne que diversifiée.," in 15th colloquium of the West African Archaeological Association, Accra, Ghana, Jul. 2017. <hal-02536128>.
L. Gilet, F. Gob, E. Gautier, C. Virmoux, G. Houbrechts, and J. Touche, "Suivi morphologique et sédimentaire de l’Yonne supérieure suite à la première phase d’arasement du barrage de la Pierre Glissotte," in Colloque annuel du Piren Seine, Paris, France, Oct. 2017. <hal-03904029>.
L. Gilet, F. Gob, E. Gautier, C. Virmoux, G. Houbrechts, and J. Touche, "Charriage caillouteux sous influence de grands barrages (Cure et Yonne en Morvan)," in Colloque sur le Transport solide et la morphodynamique des rivières (TSMR), Villeurbanne, France, Nov. 2017. <hal-03904228>.
F. Gob, L. Gilet, E. Gautier, and C. Virmoux, "Optimisation d’un projet hydroélectrique et suivi hydrosédimentaire de l’arasement du barrage de Pierre Glissotte (haute Yonne - Morvan)," in Life - Continuité écologique, Beaune, France, May. 2017. <hal-03904043>.
D. Hérisson, J. Locht, L. Vallin, L. Deschodt, P. Antoine, P. Auguste, N. Limondin-Lozouet, S. Lefebvre, G. Hulin, B. Masson, B. Ghaleb, C. Virmoux, J.-J. Bahain, T. Chica-Lefort, P. Ponel, A. Gauthier, and C. Lécuyer, "Un gisement paléolithique eemien en contexte fluviatile à Waziers (plaine de la Scarpe)," in Les plaines du nord de la France et leur bordure. Journée d’étude en hommage au professeur Jean Sommé, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France, Oct. 2017. <hal-02326784>.
G. Houbrechts, F. Gob, V. Tamisier, E. Gautier, Y. Levecq, A. Peeters, and F. Petit, "Transport de la charge sableuse dans les rivières caillouteuses de Belgique et du nord de la France grâce aux scories de la sidérurgie ancienne," in Colloque sur le Transport solide et la morphodynamique des rivières (TSMR), Villeurbanne, France, Nov. 2017. <hal-03904211>.
M. Jugie, F. Gob, and C. L. Coeur, "La restauration de la continuité écologique au regard des aménagements historiques et des dynamiques passées. Trajectoire héritée de la Mérantaise (Yvelines-Essonne)," in Colloque du Piren Seine, Paris, France, Oct. 2017. <hal-03904035>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "Non-Pollen bio-proxies used in constructing Quaternary continental systems: new orientations in palaeoclimatic and anthropogenic environments.," in 70è Congrès National de Géologie, Ankara, Turquie, Turkey, Apr. 2017. <hal-03949652>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and S. Karadogan, "Chronological and dynamical insights into the Tigris terraces at Diyarbakir," in AMIDA: International Workshop, Montpellier (FRANCE), France, Nov. 2017. <hal-03949743>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, "WHAT ROLE FOR GEOMORPHOLOGY IN STUDIES ON QUATERNARY ENVIRONMENTS?," in International Symposium on Geomorphology,, Malatya, Turkey, Dec. 2017. <hal-03940099>. PDF
M. Morel, F. Gob, and N. Lamouroux, "Revisiting the drivers of hydraulic geometry at reach scale in the hydrographic network," in 9th International conference on geomorphology, New Delhi, India, Nov. 2017. <hal-03904183>.
O. Plattard, "Repenser l'évacuation d'une population littorale dans un contexte multi-risque par la modélisation multi-agents.," in Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics 2017, Rouen, France, Nov. 2017. <hal-01643371>. PDF
A. Vayssieres, R. Steinmann, H. Cubizolle, C. Castanet, N. N. Carcaud, E. Gautier, and C. Virmoux, "Postglacial changes in fluvial morphologies of the Burgundian Loire and the middle Cher rivers valleys," in The 9th International Conference on Geomorphology of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG), New Delhi, Vigyan Bhawan, India, Nov. 2017. <hal-02098858>.
F. Arnaud, C. Pignol, P. Stéphan, A. Develle, P. Sabatier, O. Evrard, B. Mourier, M. Debret, C. Grobois, L. Millet, D. Rius, D. Marguerie, M. Rouan, E. Godinho, B. Galabertier, and A. Caillo, "From core referencing to data re-use: two French national initiatives to reinforce paleodata stewardship (National Cyber Core Repository and LTER France Retro-Observatory)," in 5th PAGES Open Science Meeting, Zaragoza, Spain, May. 2017. <10.1038/sdata.2016.18>. <hal-01616109>. PDF
A. Baltzer, M. Bourriquen, J. Fournier, D. Mercier, S. Costa, F. Tolle, E. Bernard, and M. Jensen, "). Evolution of prodeltas : a print of glacier melt processes. Svalbard International Conferenc," in Svalbard International Conference, Oslo (Norway), Norway, Nov. 2017. <hal-04306372>.
C. Castanet, N. N. Carcaud, C. Virmoux, A. Bieber, A.-L. Develle, D. Pinheiro, D. Brunstein, and S.-C. Ségolène, "The lower Loire river floodplain formation: a multi-scaled approach to characterize landforms, processes and drivers evolution on the long-term (last 10 milleniums) (Val d'Authion), France," in 9th International Conference on Geomorphology (9th ICG), New-Dheli, India, Nov. 2017, pp. 130-131. <hal-03085053>.
A. Gauthier, P. Antoine, P. Auguste, L. Deschodt, D. Hérisson, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Locht, and C. Virmoux, "Eemian palaeoenvironmental evolution in the northern plains of France from the alluvial sequence of Waziers," in MedPalyno 2017, Barcelone, Spain, Sep. 2017. <hal-02319864>. PDF
D. Hérisson, J. Locht, L. Vallin, L. Deschodt, P. Antoine, P. Auguste, N. Sévêque, N. Limondin-Lozouet, A. Gauthier, G. Hulin, B. Masson, B. Galehb, and C. Virmoux, "Eemian: What’s up on the Western front? ou à l’ouest Rhin de nouveau ?," in The Rhine during the Middle Palaeolithic: boundary or corridor?, Sélestat, France, May. 2017. <hal-01992850>. PDF
C. Leroyer, Y. Le Jeune, G. Allenet De Ribemont, R. David, J.-F. Pastre, and Y. Lanchon, "Evolution du milieu et impact anthropique dans le méandre de la Haute Ile à Neuilly-sur-Marne (France)," in GMPCA 2017 - XXIème Colloque international du Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie, Rennes, France, Apr. 2017. <hal-01947668>.
L. Lespez, M.-A. Bassetti, J.-F. Berger, J.-M. Carozza, L. Carozza, N. Combourieu Nebout, L. Dezileau, A. Glais, M. Ghilardi, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, O. Peyron, P. Sabatier, M. Saqalli, B. Vannière, M.-A. Sicre, and B. Jalali, "Climate Change and social transformations in the past (12ka BP): from field data acquisition towards socio-ecological modeling," in Conférence MISTRALS PALEOMEX, Montpellier, France, Oct. 2017. <hal-01683548>. PDF
S. Pardo, V. Méléder, S. Mahévas, J. Dumay, A. Creach, A. Brind'amour, P. Guillotreau, T. Jauffrais, G. Lazuech, P. Hess, H. Desfontaines, B. Trouillet, L. Tissière, F. Schoefs, and E. Bastidas-Arteaga, "Les éclaireurs : recette de vulgarisation scientifique sans gros mots," in Colloque de l’Association Française d’Halieutique,, Nantes, France, Jun. 2017. <hal-03119100>.
M. Saqalli, M.-A. Sicre, O. Peyron, P. Sabatier, N. Combourieu-Nebout, L. Dezileau, M. Ghilardi, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, M.-A. Bassetti, B. Vannière, L. Carozza, J.-M. Carozza, and L. Lespez, "Land, rain and sweat: Building a database of what we need for building a temporally dynamic and a spatially-explicit agent-based model of Neolithic occupation in Languedoc-Roussillon, France," in Atelier MISTRALS ''Impacts des changements climatiques en Méditerranée'', Montpellier, France, Oct. 2017. <hal-01688180>. PDF
F. Segaoui, L. Boudad, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Berger, and D. Lefevre, "Contribution à l’étude malacologiques des terrasses fluviatiles d’Ait Blal, Moyenne Moulouya, Maroc," in Neuvième Rencontre des Quaternaristes Marocains (RQM9), Safi, Morocco, Nov. 2017. <halshs-02176736>.
A. Vayssière, R. Steinmann, C. Hervé, C. Castanet, N. N. Carcaud, E. Gautier, and C. Virmoux, "Postglacial changes in fuvial morphologies of the upstream Loire catchment and the middle Cher river valley," in 9th International Conference on Geomorphology (9th ICG), New-Dheli, India, Nov. 2017, pp. 321-322. <hal-03065144>.

Pré-publication, Document de travail


C. Font, D. Hérisson, E. Goval, S. Coutard, and J. Locht, "L’utilisation des SIG dans l’étude des données géomorphologiques et archéologiques d’opérations préventives liées aux occupations paléolithiques : l’exemple des opérations liées au futur canal Seine-Nord Europe," unpublished, Jun. 2017. <hal-02326999>. PDF
L. Deschodt, "Les plaines du nord de la France et leur bordure. Journée d'étude en hommage au professeur Jean Sommé. Résumés des communications," unpublished, Oct. 2017. <hal-01618812>. PDF
A. N. Lerma, T. Bulteau, S. Elineau, F. Paris, P. Durand, B. Anselme, and R. Pedreros, "High-resolution marine flood modelling with coupled overflow and overtopping processes: framing the hazard based on historical and statistical approaches.," unpublished, May. 2017. <10.5194/nhess-2017-147>. <hal-01529031>.

Autre publication


A.-M. Dendievel, E. Defive, C. Peignelin, C. Virmoux, and H. Cubizolle, "IME-Site 16 :Pré du Bois swamp and openfield blockstream formations," unpublished, 2017. <hal-01683540>. PDF



Y. Chabot, "Geomorphological approach of the Deli Valley and geoarchaeoligical study of the historic site of Kota Sina (Sumatra North, Indonesia)," M.S. thesis, Dec. 2017. <tel-01768642>. PDF
C. Prud'homme, "Earthworn calcite granules, a nex proxy for the reconstruction of Last glacial palaeoclimate in European loess sequences : application to the study of human-environment interactions in Palaeolithic," M.S. thesis, Mar. 2017. <tel-04043145>. PDF
A.-K. Robin, "Identification, characterization and emplacement of obsidian outcrops in four volcanic complex located in eastern Anatolia (Turkey) in the frame of obsidian sourcing in Near East," M.S. thesis, Oct. 2017. <tel-01986159>. PDF
V. Villa, "Environments and Palacolithic occupations of Central Italy : the long middle Pleistocene sequence of Valle Giumentina," M.S. thesis, Oct. 2017. <tel-02612230>. PDF