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Publications 2016

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C. About, D. Belziti, B. Bessis, F. Faucheux, T. Le Sceller, F.-X. Monaco, and P. Pech, "The French eco-neighbourhood evaluation model: Contributions to sustainable city making and to the evolution of urban practices," Journal of Environmental Management, 2016. <10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.03.036>. <hal-02357697>. PDF
E. Andrieux, P. Bertran, P. Antoine, L. Deschodt, A. Lenoble, S. Coutard, A. Ajas, Q. Borderie, J.-P. Coutard, F. Didierjean, B. Dousteyssier, C. Ferrier, P. Gardère, T. Gé, M. Liard, J. Locht, H.-G. Naton, M. Rué, L. Sitzia, B. Van Vliet-Lanoë, and G. Vernet, "Database of pleistocene periglacial featuresin France: description of the online version," Quaternaire, no. vol. 27/4, pp. 329-339, Dec. 2016. <10.4000/quaternaire.7717>. <hal-02346049>. PDF
P. Antoine, S. Coutard, G. Guerin, L. Deschodt, E. Goval, J. Locht, and C. Paris, "Upper Pleistocene loess-palaeosol records from Northern France in the European context: Environmental background and dating of the Middle Palaeolithic," Quaternary International, vol. 411, pp. 4 - 24, Aug. 2016. <10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.036>. <hal-01480690>.
P. Antoine, M.-H. Moncel, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Locht, J.-J. Bahain, D. Moreno, P. Voinchet, P. Auguste, E. Stoetzel, J. Dabkowski, S. Bello, S. Parfitt, O. Tombret, and B. Hardy, "Palaeoenvironment and dating of the Early Acheulean localities from the Somme River basin (Northern France): New discoveries from the High Terrace at Abbeville-Carrière Carpentier," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 149, no. 3-4, pp. 338-371, Oct. 2016. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.07.035>. <halshs-02297590>.
J.-J. Bahain, N. Limondin-Lozouet, P. Antoine, and P. Voinchet, "Réexamen du contexte géologique, chrono- et biostratigraphique du site de Moulin Quignon à Abbeville (Vallée de la Somme, France)," L'anthropologie, vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 344 - 368, Oct. 2016. <10.1016/j.anthro.2016.05.006>. <hal-01480977>.
J.-F. Berger, L. Lespez, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, A. Glais, F. Hourani, A. Barra, and J. Guilaine, "Interactions between climate change and human activities during the early to mid-Holocene in the eastern Mediterranean basins," Climate of the Past, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1847 - 1877, Sep. 2016. <10.5194/cp-12-1847-2016>. <hal-01402739>. PDF
F. Blaser, C. Chaussé, G. Bayle, &. Claud, S. Coubray, D. Catherine, and S. Péan, "Données préliminaires sur la fouille du site du Paléolithique moyen de Montereau-sur-le-Jard (Seine-et-Marne).," Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, vol. 113, no. 4, pp. 819-823, 2016. <10.3406/bspf.2016.14694>. <hal-01737155>.
F. Blaser, and C. Chaussé, "Saint-Illiers-la-Ville and the Micoquian of Weichselian sequences of the Paris Basin," Quaternary International, vol. 411, pp. 163 - 178, Aug. 2016. <10.1016/j.quaint.2015.06.035>. <hal-01480983>.
C. Castanet, L. Purdue, E. Lemonnier, and P. Nondédéo, "Dynamiques croisées des milieux et des sociétés dans les basses terres tropicales mayas : hydrosystème et agrosystème à Naachtun (Guatemala)," Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie, vol. 142, pp. 32-37, Jan. 2016. <10.4000/nda.3275>. <hal-01876897>.
M. Chenet, D. Brunstein, V. Jomelli, E. Roussel, V. Rinterknecht, F. Mokadem, M. Biette, V. Robert, and L. Léanni, "10Be cosmic-ray exposure dating of moraines and rock avalanches in the Upper Romanche valley (French Alps): Evidence of two glacial advances during the Late Glacial/Holocene transition," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 148, pp. 209 - 221, Sep. 2016. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.07.025>. <hal-01480986>.
B. Chevrier, M. Rasse, L. Lespez, C. Tribolo, I. Hajdas, M. Guardiola Fígols, B. Lebrun, A. Leplongeon, A. Camara, and &. Huysecom, "West African Palaeolithic history: New archaeological and chronostratigraphic data from the Falémé valley, eastern Senegal," Quaternary International, vol. 408, pp. 33 - 52, Jul. 2016. <10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.060>. <hal-01480999>.
D. Chionne, "Perception et Gestion Des Variations Environnementales : Le Cas de La Société Insulaire Oléronnaise (France)," Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 287--302, 2016. <10.4000/bagf.1203>. <hal-02476138>.
J. K. Cuzzone, P. U. Clark, A. E. Carlson, D. J. Ullman, V. R. Rinterknecht, G. A. Milne, J.-P. Lunkka, B. Wohlfarth, M. Marcott, and M. Caffee, "Final deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and implications for the Holocene global sea-level budget," Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 448, pp. 34 - 41, Aug. 2016. <10.1016/j.epsl.2016.05.019>. <hal-01481069>.
J. Dabkowski, N. Limondin‑lozouet, J. Andrews, A. Marca‑bell, and P. Antoine, "Variations climatiques et environnementales au cours du dernier interglaciaire dans un tuf du nord de la France (Caours, bassin de la Somme). Comparaison avec des enregistrements régionaux.," Quaternaire, no. 27/3, pp. 249 - 261, Sep. 2016. <10.4000/quaternaire.7647>. <hal-01481009>.
H. El Talibi, S. El Moussaoui, M. N. Zaghloul, K. Aboumaria, P. Wassmer, and J. L. Mercier, "New sedimentary and geomorphic evidence of tsunami flooding related to an older events along the Tangier-Asilah coastal plain, Morocco," Geoenvironmental Disasters, vol. 3, no. 1, Jul. 2016. <10.1186/s40677-016-0049-6>. <hal-01481012>.
V. Favier, D. Verfaillie, &. Berthier, M. Menegoz, V. Jomelli, J. E. Kay, L. Ducret, Y. Malbéteau, D. Brunstein, H. Gallée, Y.-H. Park, and V. Rinterknecht, "Atmospheric drying as the main driver of dramatic glacier wastage in the southern Indian Ocean," Scientific Reports, vol. 6, no. 32396, 2016. <10.1038/srep32396>. <insu-01389407>. PDF
C. Font, S. Coutard, C. Paris, D. Hérisson, E. Goval, and J. Locht, "Formations superficielles et occupations paléolithiques en France septentrionale : développement et premières applications d'un système d'information géographique (SIG)," Revue archéologique de Picardie, no. 1/2, pp. 41-68, 2016. <hal-01794442>.
E. Gautier, S. Grivel, C. Garcia Govea, T. Depret, C. Virmoux, and D. Brunstein, "Analyse comparée de la dynamique des îles fluviales de trois grands cours d’eau -- Lena, Napo et Loire," Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, no. 67, pp. 125-141, 2016. <hal-02385174>.
F. Gob, E. Gautier, C. Virmoux, D. Grancher, V. Tamisier, K. W. Primanda, S. B. Wibowo, C. Sarrazin, E. De Belizal, A. Ville, and F. Lavigne, "River responses to the 2010 major eruption of the Merapi volcano, central Java, Indonesia," Geomorphology, vol. 273, pp. 244 - 257, Nov. 2016. <10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.08.025>. <hal-01481063>.
E. Goval, D. Hérisson, J. Locht, and A. Coudenneau, "Levallois points and triangular flakes during the Middle Palaeolithic in northwestern Europe: Considerations on the status of these pieces in the Neanderthal hunting toolkit in northern France," Quaternary International, vol. 411, no. A, pp. 216 - 232, Aug. 2016. <10.1016/j.quaint.2015.04.039>. <hal-01793485>.
D. Hérisson, S. Coutard, E. Goval, J. Locht, P. Antoine, Y. Chantreau, and N. Debenham, "A new key-site for the end of Lower Palaeolithic and the onset of Middle Palaeolithic at Etricourt-Manancourt (Somme, France)," Quaternary International, vol. 409, pp. 73--91, 2016. <10.1016/j.quaint.2016.01.055>. <hal-01395329>.
A. Hurel, J.-J. Bahain, M.-H. Moncel, A. Vialet, P. Antoine, P. Auguste, P. Charlier, N. Coye, J.-C. Favin-Lévêque, A. Froment, M. Lebon, N. Limondin-Lozouet, R. Orliac, O. Tombret, C. Vercoutère, P. Voinchet, and A. Zazzo, "Moulin Quignon : la redécouverte d’un site," L'anthropologie, vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 428 - 438, Oct. 2016. <10.1016/j.anthro.2016.05.007>. <hal-01481076>.
E. Huysecom, B. Chevrier, A. Mayor, T. Pelmoine, N. Cantin, L. Chaix, A. Leplongeon, S. Loukou, M. Rasse, M. Truffa-Giachet, H. Bocoum, A. Camara, I. Hajdas, B. Lebrun, C. Tribolo, and L. Lespez, "Transitions et continuités dans la vallée de la Falémé (Sénégal) : résultats de la 18ème année de recherche du programme international " Peuplement humain et paléoenvironnement en Afrique "," Jahresbericht, pp. 103--160, 2016. <hal-01743339>.
V. Jomelli, T. Lane, V. Favier, V. Masson-Delmotte, D. Swingedouw, V. Rinterknecht, I. Schimmelpfennig, D. Brunstein, D. Verfaillie, K. Adamson, L. Leanni, and F. Mokadem, "Paradoxical cold conditions during the medieval climate anomaly in the Western Arctic," Scientific Reports, vol. 6, pp. 32984, 2016. <10.1038/srep32984>. <hal-01469865>. PDF
C. Kain, P. Wassmer, J. Goff, C. Chagué-Goff, C. Gomez, D. Hart, D. Fierro, G. Jacobsen, and A. Zawadzki, "Determining flow patterns and emplacement dynamics from tsunami deposits with no visible sedimentary structure," Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Sep. 2016. <10.1002/esp.4020>. <hal-01481091>.
L. Khalidi, B. Gratuze, G. Stein, A. Mcmahon, S. Al-Quntar, R. Carter, R. Cuttler, P. Drechsler, E. Healey, M.-L. Inizan, D. Mouralis, E. Pernicka, and A.-K. Robin, "The growth of early social networks : new geochemical results of obsidian from the Ubaid to Chalcolithic Period in Syria, Iraq and the Gulf," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 3, pp. 743-757, 2016. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.06.026>. <halshs-01390232>.
H. Koehler, F. Wegmüller, J. Detrey, S. Diemer, T. C. Hauck, C. Pümpin, P. Rentzel, N. Sévêque, E. Stoetzel, P. Wuscher, P. Auguste, H. Bocherens, M. Lutz, and F. Preusser, "Fouilles de plusieurs occupations du Paléolithique moyen à Mutzig-Rain (Alsace) - Premiers résultats," Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, vol. 113, no. 3, pp. 429-474, 2016. <10.3406/bspf.2016.14649>. <hal-02401816>.
C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and Z. Tsirtsoni, "Changements climatiques et comportements sociaux dans le passé : quelles corrélations ?," Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie, no. 142, pp. 49--55, 2016. <10.4000/nda.3280>. <hal-02476160>.
F. Lavigne, J.-C. Thouret, D. S. Hadmoko, and B. Sukatja, "Lahars in Java: Initiations, Dynamics, Hazard Assessment And Deposition Processes," Forum Geografi, vol. 21, no. 1, 2016. <10.23917/forgeo.v21i1.1822>. <hal-02478037>.
B. Lebrun, C. Tribolo, B. Chevrier, M. Rasse, L. Lespez, A. Leplongeon, I. Hajdas, A. Camara, N. Mercier, and &. Huysecom, "Establishing a West African chrono-cultural framework: First luminescence dating of sedimentary formations from the Falémé Valley, Eastern Senegal," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 7, pp. 379 - 388, 2016. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.05.001>. <hal-01481122>. PDF
L. Lespez, A. Glais, S. José Antonio López, Y. Le Drezen, Z. Tsirtsoni, R. Davidson, L. Birée, and D. Malamidou, "Middle Holocene rapid environmental changes and human adaptation in Greece," Quaternary Research, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 227-244, 2016. <10.1016/j.yqres.2016.02.002>. <hal-01358233>. PDF
L. Lespez, M.-A. Germaine, and R. Barraud, "Is the evaluation by the ecosystem services of ordinary rivers sustainable ?," VertigO : La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l'Environnement, no. Hors-série 25, Aug. 2016. <10.4000/vertigo.17443>. <hal-01402715>. PDF
J. Locht, D. Hérisson, E. Goval, D. Cliquet, B. Huet, S. Coutard, P. Antoine, and P. Feray, "Timescales, space and culture during the Middle Palaeolithic in northwestern France," Quaternary International, vol. 411, no. Part A, pp. 129--148, 2016. <10.1016/j.quaint.2015.07.053>. <hal-01245161>.
A. Luzón, A. Gauthier, A. Pérez, O. Pueyo-Anchuela, M. Mayayo, and A. Muñoz, "Late Pleistocene--Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Añamaza River valley (Iberian Range, NE Spain): Multidisciplinary approach on the study of carbonate fluvial systems," Quaternary International, Apr. 2016. <10.1016/j.quaint.2016.06.004>. <hal-01515769>.
M. Makos, V. Rinterknecht, R. Braucher, and M. \.zarnowski, "Glacial chronology and palaeoclimate in the Bystra catchment, Western Tatra Mountains (Poland) during the Late Pleistocene," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 134, pp. 74 - 91, Feb. 2016. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.01.004>. <hal-01671368>.
E. Mens, G. Berthaud, P. Raux, B. Berson, R. Joussaume, Y. Le Jeune, J.-B. Barreau, S. Jupin, Y. Bernard, S. Cousseau, and D. Pfost, "Les stèles gravées du plateau de la Bretellière à Saint-Macaire-en-Mauges," Arqueología y prehistoria del interior peninsular, vol. 4 extra, pp. 165-181, 2016. <insu-01399035>.
F. Nabet, S. Grivel, and E. Gautier, "Influence of fluvial engineering works and topo-sedimentary response at different hydrological events, the middle Loire River," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 211 - 225, Jan. 2016. <10.4000/geomorphologie.11398>. <hal-01481265>.
E. Nicoud, D. Aureli, M. Pagli, V. Villa, C. Chaussé, S. Agostini, J.-J. Bahain, G. Boschian, J.-P. Degeai, F. Fusco, B. Giaccio, M. Hernandez, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, C. Lahaye, C. Lemorini, N. Limondin-Lozouet, P. Mazza, N. Mercier, S. Nomade, A. Pereira, V. Robert, M. A. Rossi, C. Virmoux, and A. Zupancich, "Preliminary data from Valle Giumentina Pleistocene site (Abruzzo, Central Italy): A new approach to a Clactonian and Acheulian sequence," Quaternary International, vol. 409, pp. 182 - 194, Jun. 2016. <10.1016/j.quaint.2015.08.080>. <hal-01481268>. PDF
S. Nomade, D. Genty, R. Sasco, V. Scao, V. Féruglio, D. Baffier, H. Guillou, C. Bourdier, H. Valladas, E. Reigner, E. Debard, J.-F. Pastre, J.-M. Geneste, and M. D. Petraglia, "A 36,000-Year-Old Volcanic Eruption Depicted in the Chauvet-Pont d'Arc Cave (Ardèche, France)?," PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 2016. <10.1371/journal.pone.0146621>. <hal-02081368>. PDF
P. Pech, C. Duplan, L. Robin-Chevallier, and R. Fevrier, "How to Achieve Local Resilience to Flood Risks by Increasing Solidarity: The Example of the ``Syndicat Mixte'' (Inter-Municipal Cooperation Structure) of the French Territory of Belfort-Montbéliard," Journal of Water Resource and Protection, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 493-504, 2016. <10.4236/jwarp.2016.84042>. <hal-01471474>. PDF
T. Rey, N. Faucherre, C. Virmoux, and L. Galano, "Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the ancient harbors of King Louis IX (Aigues-Mortes, Rhone Delta, France)," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 9, pp. 505 - 513, Oct. 2016. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.08.035>. <hal-01481285>.
G. Rixhon, R. M. Briant, S. Cordier, M. Duval, A. Jones, and D. Scholz, "Revealing the pace of river landscape evolution during the Quaternary: recent developments in numerical dating methods," Quaternary Science Reviews, Sep. 2016. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.08.016>. <hal-01515775>.
A. Robin, D. Mouralis, E. Akköprü, B. Gratuze, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, S. Nomade, A. Pereira, A. Do\u Gu, K. Erturaç, and L. Khalidi, "Identification and characterization of two new obsidian sub-sources in the Nemrut volcano (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey): The S\icaksu and Kayac\ik obsidian," Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 9, pp. 705 - 717, Oct. 2016. <10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.08.048>. <hal-01480667>.
A. Roblin-Jouve, M. Olive, P. Rodriguez, O. Bignon-Lau, C. Chaussé, G. Dumarcay, Y. Lejeune, C. Leroyer, S. Thiébault, and J. Wattez, "Les limons fluviatiles du site magdalénien d'Étiolles (Essone, France). Bilan des recherches sur le contexte physique et naturel des occupations humaines à Étiolles," Revue archéologique d'Île-de-France, no. 9, pp. 7-58, 2016. <hal-02333980>.
L. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, M. Jiménez-Sánchez, M. J. Domínguez-Cuesta, V. Rinterknecht, R. Pallas, and D. Bourles, "Chronology of glaciations in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Iberia) during the Last Glacial Cycle based on in situ-produced 10Be," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 138, pp. 31-48, Apr. 2016. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.02.027>. <hal-02865560>.
R. Schläppy, V. Jomelli, N. Eckert, M. Stoffel, D. Grancher, D. Brunstein, C. Corona, and M. Deschâtres, "Can we infer avalanche--climate relations using tree-ring data? Case studies in the French Alps," Regional Environmental Change, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 629 - 642, Mar. 2016. <10.1007/s10113-015-0823-0>. <hal-01481287>.
D. Small, V. Rinterknecht, W. E. Austin, R. Bates, D. I. Benn, J. D. Scourse, D. L. Bourlès, and F. D. Hibbert, "Implications of 36Cl Exposure Ages from Skye, Northwest Scotland for the Timing of Ice Stream Deglaciation and Deglacial Ice Dynamics," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 150, pp. 130--145, 2016. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.08.028>. <hal-02477302>.
O. Solomina, I. Bushueva, E. Dolgova, V. Jomelli, M. Alexandrin, V. Mikhalenko, and V. Matskovsky, "Glacier Variations in the Northern Caucasus Compared to Climatic Reconstructions over the Past Millennium," Global and Planetary Change, vol. 140, pp. 28--58, 2016. <10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.02.008>. <hal-02477303>.
O. N. Solomina, R. S. Bradley, V. Jomelli, A. Geirsdottir, D. S. Kaufman, J. Koch, N. P. Mckay, M. Masiokas, G. Miller, A. Nesje, K. Nicolussi, L. A. Owen, A. E. Putnam, H. Wanner, G. Wiles, and B. Yang, "Glacier fluctuations during the past 2000 years," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 149, pp. 61 - 90, Oct. 2016. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.04.008>. <hal-01481332>.
B. Souffi, C. Chaussé, S. Griselin, C. Hamon, S. Granai, and L. Pecqueur, "L’OCCUPATION MÉSOLITHIQUE DU SITE DE NEUVILLE-SUR-OISE " CHEMIN FIN D’OISE " (VAL-D’OISE)," Revue archéologique d'Île-de-France, vol. 7-8, pp. 61-98, 2016. <hal-01421124>.
M. Stewardson, T. Datry, N. Lamouroux, H. Pella, N. Thommeret, L. Valette, and S. Grant, "Variation in reach-scale hydraulic conductivity of streambeds," Geomorphology, vol. 259, pp. 70 - 80, Jan. 2016. <10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.02.001>. <hal-01480622>.
M. Utasse, V. Jomelli, D. Grancher, F. Leone, D. Brunstein, and C. Virmoux, "Territorial Accessibility and Decision-Making Structure Related to Debris Flow Impacts on Roads in the French Alps," International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 186 - 197, Jun. 2016. <10.1007/s13753-016-0088-3>. <hal-01481338>. PDF
A. Vayssière, T. Depret, C. Castanet, E. Gautier, C. Virmoux, N. N. Carcaud, A. Garnier, D. Brunstein, and D. Pinheiro, "Etude des paléoméandres holocènes de la plaine alluviale du Cher (site de Bigny, moyenne vallée du Cher)," Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 163-176, 2016. <10.4000/geomorphologie.11369>. <hal-01544548>.
C. M. Vidal, N. Métrich, J.-C. Komorowski, I. Pratomo, N. Kartadinata, A. Michel, V. Robert, and F. Lavigne, "The 1257 Samalas eruption (Lombok, Indonesia): the single greatest stratospheric gas release of the Common Era," Scientific Reports, vol. 6, pp. 34868, 2016. <10.1038/srep34868>. <hal-01481340>. PDF
V. Villa, C. Virmoux, C. Chaussé, J.-P. Degeai, V. Robert, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, G. Boschian, S. Agostini, D. Aureli, M. Pagli, and E. Nicoud, "The long sedimentary succession of the Valle Giumentina basin (Abruzzo, Central Italy): new evidence from stratigraphic studies and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)," Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, Feb. 2016. <hal-01481354>.
V. Villa, A. Pereira, C. Chaussé, S. Nomade, B. Giaccio, N. Limondin-Lozouet, F. Fusco, E. Regattieri, J.-P. Degeai, V. Robert, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, G. Boschian, S. Agostini, D. Aureli, M. Pagli, J. J. Bahain, and E. Nicoud, "A MIS 15-MIS 12 record of environmental changes and Lower Palaeolithic occupation from Valle Giumentina, central Italy," Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 151, pp. 160 - 184, Nov. 2016. <10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.09.006>. <hal-01481343>.
V. Villa, A. Pereira, C. Chaussé, S. Nomade, F. Fusco, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J.-P. Degeai, V. Robert, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, G. Boschian, D. Aureli, M. Pagli, and E. Nicoud, "Stratigraphy And Chronology Of Valle Giumentina Pleistocene Site (Abruzzi, Italy)," Quaternary Science Reviews, no. 151, pp. 160-184, 2016. <hal-02065078>.

Communication dans un congrès


B. Anselme, N. Becu, E. Haëntjens, P. Pech, and L. Simon, "TEPOS -- Un jeu pour atteindre l'autonomie énergétique," in Colloque - L'urbanisme, l'architecture et le jeu, Lille, France, Dec. 2016. <hal-01453409>. PDF
S. Bernardinetti, D. Pieruccioni, F. Petrolo, E. Tufarolo, C. T., M. Trotta, S. Minucci, V. Villa, D. Aureli, M. Pagli, and E. Nicoud, "Subsurface 3D modeling of Giumentina Valley (Majella, Abruzzo, Italy) trough multi-methodic geophysical surveys," in 88° Congresso Nazionale della Società Geologica Italiana - Geosciences on a changing planet: learning from the past, exploring the future, Naples, Italy, Sep. 2016. <hal-02377371>.
F. Blaser, M. Leroyer, C. Chaussé, &. Boitard-Bidaut, L. Bourguignon, and &. Claud, "Changements techniques au Pléistocène moyen récent sur le site paléolithique de Saint-Illiers-la-Ville (Yvelines)," in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles. 28e congrès préhistorique de France, Amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 153-170. <hal-02876021>.
P. Bodu, M. Ballinger, G. Dumarçay, N. Goutas, L. Julien Marie-Anne, A. Legrand-Pineau, M. Lejay, M. Leroyer, C. Lucas, O. Moine, H.-G. Naton, C. Peschaux, H. Salomon, E. Stoetzel, J. Suire, I. Théry-Parisot, and O. Touzé, "Le gisement paléolithique multistratifié d'Ormesson (Seine-et-Marne) : Palethnologie ou pâle ethnologie ?," in CPF, Amiens, juin 2016., amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 231-261. <hal-02183366>.
M. Bourriquen, A. Baltzer, D. Mercier, J. Fournier, and S. Costa, "Delta progradation and offshore sedimentary lobes in Kongsfjorden (western Spitsbergen, Svalbard)," in XI International conference on Permafrost, Postdam, Postdam, Germany, Jun. 2016. <hal-02499237>.
N. Connet, C. Bemilli, C. Chaussé, &. Claud, L. Dayet, M. Vanhaeren, and &. Boitard-Bidaut, "Par un début de printemps du Dernier Maximum Glaciaire, le site du " Chemin de l'Évangile 3 " à Gron (Yonne, France)," in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles. 28e congrès préhistorique de France, Amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 165-184. <hal-02562138>.
C. Coussot, J. Wattez, T. Hamon, G. Bailleux, and A. Bailleux, "Aménager l’espace, exploiter les ressources minérales et transformer le paysage au Néolithique : les cas des sites d’habitat en terre crue de " La Fosse Blanche " à Prasville (Eure-et-Loir, France)," in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles. 28e congrès préhistorique de France, Amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 57-76. <hal-02876633>.
S. Coutard, P. Antoine, L. Deschodt, G. Jamet, and S. Pawley, "Stratigraphie et chronologie des formations du Pléistocène moyen récent (SIM 10-6) du Nord de la France, un cadre pour l'étude des occupations paléolithiques," in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles. 28e congrès préhistorique de France, Amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 63-90. <hal-02876017>.
A. Creach, S. Pardo, and D. Mercier, "A tool to locate potential death areas due to coastal flood: the V.I.E. Index," in OCEANEXT, COSELMAR, Nantes, France, Jun. 2016. <hal-03119105>.
B. Gratuze, M. Mashkour, M. Hossein Azizi Kharananghi, A. Zalaghi, S. Maziar, D. Mouralis, and A.-K. Robin, "The spread of obsidian on the Iranian Plateau during the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. The possible role of mobile pastoralists," in International Obsidian Conference, Lipari, Italy, Jun. 2016. <hal-02886140>.
I. Hajdas, M. Maurer, M. B. Röttig, S. Loukou, B. Chevrier, A. Mayor, M. Rasse, C. Tribolo, B. Lebrun, A. Camara, E. Huysecom, and L. Lespez, "Radiocarbon Chronology of Human Settlement and paleoenvironment in Senegal, West Africa," in 8th International Symposium on 14C & Archaeology, Edimbourg, United Kingdom, Jun. 2016. <hal-01729804>.
D. Hérisson, J. Locht, and D. Cliquet, "Du Nord de la France à l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, paysage paléolithique du Pléistocène moyen récent," in XXVIII Congrès Préhistorique de France. Session 1 : L'Europe du nord-ouest au Pléistocène moyen récent, Amiens, France, May. 2016. <hal-02330280>.
D. Hérisson, E. Goval, and J. Locht, "The Success (?) Story of the Northern France Palaeolithic Preventive Archaeology," in PALEO 2020: Strategies for the protection and transformation of the Palaeolithic record in England, London, United Kingdom, May. 2016. <hal-02330289>.
D. Hérisson, J. Locht, and E. Goval, "Overview of lithic technology from the late Middle Pleistocene of Northern France," in Crossing the Threshold. Dynamic transformation in hominin societies during the Late Middle Pleistocene, Saint-Helier, Jersey, Apr. 2016. <hal-02330158>.
T. Jauffrais, C. Lekieffre, B. Jesus, E. Metzger, G. Mabilleau, J.-L. Mouget, M. Schweizer, H. Filipsson, A. Meibom, and E. Geslin, "Rôle des foraminifères à chloroplastes séquestrés dans le fonctionnement de 2 écosystèmes contrastés : étude des fonctions photosynthétiques et de dénitrification," in Colloque LEFE-CYBER, Bordeaux, France, 2016. <hal-02872452>.
B. Lebrun, C. Tribolo, B. Chevrier, L. Lespez, M. Rasse, I. Hajdas, C. Abdoulaye, N. Mercier, and H. Eric, "West-african geochronology: optically stimulated luminescence of Palaeolithic deposits of the Falémé Valley (eastern Senegal).," in SAFA 2016, Toulouse, France, Jun. 2016. <hal-02535444>.
L. Lespez, M. Rasse, A. Garnier, B. Chevrier, C. Tribolo, B. Lebrun, and I. Hajdas, "Hydrosystèmes soudaniens au cours des durant les 30000 dernières années: changements climatiques et des paléoenvironnements: l’exemple de la vallée de la Falémé (Sénégal oriental, Afrique de l’Ouest).," in 21.AFEQ-INQUA Q10, Bordeaux, France, Feb. 2016. <hal-02535474>.
J. Locht, D. Hérisson, E. Goval, P. Antoine, and S. Coutard, "Archaeological sequences and frameworks of the Late Middle Pleistocene in Northern France," in Crossing the Threshold. Dynamic transformation in hominin societies during the Late Middle Pleistocene, Saint-Helier, Jersey, Apr. 2016. <hal-02330135>.
J. Locht, D. Hérisson, and D. Cliquet, "L’Europe du Nord-Ouest au Pléistocène moyen récent : introduction à la session 1," in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles. 28e congrès préhistorique de France, Amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 59-61. <hal-02486327>.
J. Locht, D. Hérisson, and D. Cliquet, "En guise de conclusion...," in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles. 28e congrès préhistorique de France, Amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 251-253. <hal-02486330>.
J. Locht, D. Hérisson, and D. Cliquet, "Évolution et modifications des sociétés humaines au Pléistocène moyen récent dans le Nord-Ouest de la France," in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles. 28e congrès préhistorique de France, Amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 229-250. <hal-02486329>.
B. Martin, F. Giacona, L. With, C. Edelblutte, B. Furst, N. Holleville, M. .-. C. Vitoux, R. Glaser, I. Himmelsbach, J. Schonbein, A. Bösmeier, P. Wassmer, and C. Heitz, "Concepts, méthodes et opérationalité en géohsitoire des risques, à travers l’exemple de la géohistoire des inondations dans le Fossé rhénan," in Géohistoire de l'environnement et des paysages, Toulouse, France, Oct. 2016, pp. 305-320. <hal-03810783>.
D. Mouralis, M. Massussi, E. Akköprü, F. Balossi, K. Erturaç, D. Grancher, B. Gratuze, F. Mokadem, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, G. Palumbi, and A.-K. Robin, "Arslantepe (Eastern Anatolia) : procurement of obsidian from Anatolian geological sources during the Chalcolithic and Middle Bronze Age," in International Obsidian Conference, Lipari, Italy, Jun. 2016. <hal-02886260>.
E. Nicoud, D. Aureli, M. Pagli, V. Villa, C. Chaussé, F. Fusco, G. Boschian, J.-P. Degeai, S. Agostini, J.-J. Bahain, T. Colonna, B. Giaccio, M. Hernandez, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, C. Lahaye, C. Lemorini, N. Limondin-Lozouet, P. Mazza, N. Mercier, S. Nomade, A. Pereira, V. Robert, M. Rossi, C. Virmoux, and A. Zupancich, "Valle Giumentina : stratigraphy and archaeology," in Colloque Q10 AFEQ CNF-INQUA 2016 Paléoclimats et environnements quaternaires, quoi de neuf sous le soleil ?, Bordeaux, France, 2016. <hal-02065076>.
E. Nicoud, and V. Villa, "Stratigraphy and archaeology at Valle Giumentina Middle Pleistocene site," in Q10 AFEQ CNF INQUA, Bordeaux, France, France, 2016. <hal-02065084>.
E. Nicoud, D. Aureli, M. Pagli, V. Villa, C. Chaussé, F. Fusco, G. Boschian, J. Degeai, S. Agostini, J. J. Bahain, T. Colonna, B. Giaccio, M. Hernandez, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, C. Lahaye, C. Lemorini, N. Limondin-Lozouet, P. Mazza, N. Mercier, S. Nomade, A. Pereira, V. Robert, M. A. Rossi, C. Virmoux, and A. Zupancich, "Geocronologia e archeologia del sito del Paleolitico inferiore di Valle Giumentina (Pescara)," in I Incontro Annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria Il Paleolitico e il Mesolitico in Italia: nuove ricerche e prospettive di studio, IIPP, Genova, Italy, 2016. <hal-02377427>.
C. Paris, P. Antoine, P. Auguste, &. Claud, S. Coutard, P. Coudret, &. Deneuve, J.-P. Fagnart, C. Font, N. Goutas, J. Lacarriere, O. Moine, C. Peschaux, E. Goval, and D. Hérisson, "Les gisements gravettiens d’Amiens-Renancourt 1 et 2 (Somme, France) : premières données palethnologiques," in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles. 28e congrès préhistorique de France, Amiens, France, May. 2016, pp. 97-115. <hal-02500072>.
O. Plattard, "La simulation multi-agents, un outil de prévention des risques," in CIST2016 - En quête de territoire(s) ?, Grenoble, France, Mar. 2016. <halshs-01300835>. PDF
V. Rinterknecht, S. Toucanne, S. Jorry, and E. Brisset, "GLACIVAR: reconstructing glacial oscillations in the Var catchment basin (Southern French Alps)," in Source to sink: a long term perspective of sediment budgets and sources characterization, Rennes, France, May. 2016. <hal-02568651>.
A.-K. Robin, D. Mouralis, E. Akköprü, C. Kuzucuo\u Glu, and B. Gratuze, "Identification and characterization of a new obsidian source in the Nemrut volcano (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey) : the S\icaksu obsidian," in International Obsidian Conference, Lipari, Italy, Jun. 2016. <hal-02886272>.
O. Touzé, P. Bodu, M. Ballinger, G. Dumarçay, N. Goutas, M.-A. Julien, J. Lacarrière, M. Lejay, M. Leroyer, C. Lucas, O. Moine, H.-G. Naton, C. Peschaux, A. Legrand-Pineau, H. Salomon, E. Stoetzel, J. Suire, and I. Théry-Parisot, "The bison valley: Ormesson (Seine-et-Marne, France), a key open-air site for the study of Palaeolithic groups from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Badegoulian," in Unravelling the Palaeolithic, Southampton, United Kingdom, Jan. 2016. <hal-02183368>.
L. Boudad, J. F. Berger, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and D. Lefevre, "Stratigraphie et contexte archéologique des séquences holocènes de la Moyenne Moulouya (Maroc)," in Colloque Q10 AFEQ CNF-INQUA 2016 Paléoclimats et environnements quaternaires, quoi de neuf sous le soleil ? Session 7 : Interglaciaire Holocène, Bordeaux, France, Feb. 2016. <halshs-02170135>.
B. Chevrier, M. Rasse, L. Lespez, C. Tribolo, B. Lebrun, I. Hajdas, and H. Eric, "Industries lithiques et contextes taphonomiques dans la vallée de la Falémé (Sénégal oriental). Originalité et complémentarité en Afrique de l’Ouest.," in AFEQ-INQUA Q10, Bordeaux, France, Feb. 2016. <hal-02536178>.
E. Defive, E. Barra, A. Beauger, J.-F. Berger, E. Blanc, E. Bouvard-Mor, R. Braucher, M. Cabanis, V. Delvigne, A.-M. Dendievel, F. Dumoulin, C. Dumoulin, C. Fournier, V. Gaertner, I. Garcia, A. Garreau, P. Goubet, F. Grégoire, J. Guilbert, Y. Gunnell, A. Lafarge, R. Liabeuf, M. Lugan, Y. Miras, S. Nomade, B. Notebaert, C. Peignelin, A. Poiraud, J.-P. Raynal, A. Renault, C. Rondeau, B. Sanial, N. Vidal, C. Virmoux, O. Voldoire, and J.-L. Voruz, "Enregistrements holocènes des flux hydro-sédimentaires dans les têtes de réseau du bassin supérieur de la Loire (Massif central, France)," in Colloque Q10 -- AFEQ -- CNF INQUA " Paléoclimats et environnements quaternaires ", Bordeaux, France, Feb. 2016. <hal-02176901>.
A. Garnier, L. Lespez, M. Rasse, B. Chevrier, B. Lebrun, C. Tribolo, I. Hajdas, and H. Eric, "Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction over the last 30,000 years in the Sudanian environment (FALÉMÉ valley, Senegal): Preliminary Results of a Phytolithic Approach.," in 10th International Meeting on Phytolith Research, Aix-en-Provence, France, Sep. 2016. <hal-02536169>.
A. Garnier, M. Fressard, Y. Le Drezen, and C. Robion-Brunner, "Estimating the environmental impact of intensive pre-colonial iron production of West Africa: The contribution of a multi-proxy study in Bassar region (Togo)," in 23e Colloque de la Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA), Toulouse, France, Jun. 2016. <hal-02011402>.
I. Hajdas, M. Maurer, M. Röttig, B. Chevrier, M. Lorenzo Martinez, S. Loukou, A. Mayor, L. Pollarolo, M. Rasse, A. Garnier, L. Lespez, C. Tribolo, B. Lebrun, C. Abdoulaye, H. Bocoum, and H. Eric, "Radiocarbon Chronology of Human Settlement and paleo environment in Senegal, West Africa.," in 14e Swiss Geoscience Meeting, genève, Switzerland, Nov. 2016. <hal-02536162>.
L. Lespez, A. Garnier, M. Rasse, B. Chevrier, B. Lebrun, C. Tribolo, I. Hajdas, and H. Eric, "Holocene transition in the Faleme River Valley (Eastern Senegal). First results of geomorphologic, micromorphologic and phytolithic investigations on the Fatandi site.," in SAFA 2016, Toulouse, France, Jun. 2016. <hal-02536173>.
A. Nicolae Lerma, S. Elineau, F. Paris, and R. Pedreros, "Contribution du ''wave setup'' local lors de tempêtes en Méditerranée occidentale," in Journées REFMAR 2016, Paris, France, Feb. 2016. <hal-01259179>.
A. Nicolae Lerma, T. Bulteau, S. Elineau, F. Paris, and R. Pedreros, "Framing 100-year marine submersion hazard resulting from the propagation of 100-year joint hydrodynamic conditions," in AGU Fall meeting, San Fransico, United States, Dec. 2016. <hal-01387336>. PDF
O. Plattard, "La modélisation multi-agents, Un outil de prévention des risques," in Assises nationales des risques naturels, Marseille, France, Mar. 2016. <halshs-01300821>. PDF
Q. Trouvé, A. Baltzer, A. Creach, and F. Verdin, "Le littoral du nord médoc : entre érosion et préservation du patrimoine archéologique," in Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Caen, France, 2016. <hal-03114655>.
C. Virmoux, M. Jugie, F. Gob, and D. Brunstein, "Suivi de l'érosion d'une berge par photogrammétrie Structure-from-motion," in Photogrammétrie Numérique et Perception 3D : les nouvelles conquêtes, Champs-sur-Marne, France, Mar. 2016. <hal-01524546>. PDF

Autre publication


M. Chenet, "Le film de recherche, ce bel objet de liberté," unpublished, 2016, pp. 53-59. <hal-03921189>. PDF

Ouvrage (y compris édition critique et traduction)


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